Sneha Girap (Editor)

Daniel Schueftan

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Daniel Schueftan

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Dan Schueftan (Hebrew: דן שיפטן‎‎) (also Dan Shiftan) ) is an Israeli academic and chairman of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa. He also serves as a senior lecturer at Haifa University's School of Political Sciences. He has taught at the Israel Defense Forces National Security College and the IDF's Command and Staff College.


Daniel Schueftan DanSchueftanjpg

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Daniel Schueftan If you can deal with Israels problems You can deal with any other

Dan Schueftan was an advisor to Israel's National Security Council, and to former Prime Ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon.

Daniel Schueftan Three Questions for Dan Schueftan YouTube

Schueftan served as a consultant to Israeli decision-makers and the top echelon of Israel's foreign policy and defense establishments, also briefing European and American political leaders and senior officers. He is the author of several books on contemporary Middle Eastern history.

Daniel Schueftan University of Haifa National Security Expert Dan Schueftan Shares

Schueftan is credited with having advanced the concept of "unilateral disengagement" or "unilateral separation", as articulated in his 1999 book, "Disengagement: Israel and the Palestinian Entity" (in Hebrew, Korah Hahafrada: Yisrael Ve Harashut Hafalestinit). The book is cited as having formed the basis for the concept of Separation from the Palestinians.

Daniel Schueftan 112712 Dr Dan Schueftan Israel and the New Middle East YouTube

In Schueftan's view, Israel's unilateral disengagement from Gaza is a first step in a wider historical process. He told The Jerusalem Report in September 2005 that: "I can even pin dates on it. In 2007 or 2008 we will have another major disengagement in the West Bank. And within a decade, we will unilaterally repartition Jerusalem along lines we will unilaterally select ... What Israelis have understood — and this is the underlying feature of the disengagement — is that we need to leave Gaza and Nablus, not because it will bring peace, but because there will be perpetual terror. We need to leave Gaza and Nablus because Israel with them is weaker than Israel without them."


Daniel Schueftan Dan Schueftan Vortrag Berlin 17022014 YouTube

  • "The Israeli public wants to be completely cut off from the Palestinians, and as a result nobody can be prime minister without going in this direction. It’s not even an option if they want to stay in power."
  • Published works

  • "Palestinians in Israel — the Arab Minority and the Jewish State". (Tel-Aviv: Zmora Bitan, 2011) (Hebrew)
  • "Disengagement: Israel and the Palestinian Entity" (Tel-Aviv: Zmora Bitan, 1999) (Hebrew)
  • "Attrition: Egypt's Post War Political Strategy 1967-1970" (Tel-Aviv: Ma'arakhot/Misrad Ha-Bitahon, 1989) (Hebrew)
  • "A Jordanian Option — Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians" (Tel-Aviv: Ha-Kibuts Ha-Meuhad, 1986) (Hebrew)
  • Articles
  • "Voice of Palestine: The New Ideology of Israeli Arabs" [[Azure{journal|Azure]] (Winter 2003)
  • "High Fences Make Good Neighbors — Israel's Integration in 'The Emerging Mediterranean Culture'" in The Emergence of a New Mediterranean Culture: Maghreb-Mashriq-Israel, ed.Wolfgang Freund (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Pub Inc., 2000), pp. 37–47
  • "The Unique Nature of the War from the Arab Perspective" in The Yom Kippur War — A Reappraisal, eds. Chaim Opaz and Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov (Jerusalem: The Leonard Davis Institute, 1999), pp. 123–139 (Hebrew)
  • "Jordan's 'Israeli Option'" in Jordan in the Middle East 1948-1988 - The Making of a Pivotal State, eds. Joseph Nevo and Ilan Pappe (London: Frank Cass & Co, 1994), pp. 254–282
  • References

    Daniel Schueftan Wikipedia

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