Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Dan Dungaciu

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Romania Moldova

Dan Dungaciu

University of Bucharest

Dan Dungaciu Dan Dungaciu Se pune problema supravieuirii RM la

October 3, 1968 (age 55) (
Targu Mures

Alma mater
University of Bucharest

Known for
expert in the situation in Moldova Editorialist Vocea Basarabiei

Similar People
Stela Popa, Mihnea Motoc, Bogdan Aurescu, Dacian Ciolos

University of Bucharest

Interven ie dan dungaciu la cea de a ii a sesiune a dezbaterilor dialoguri mae

Dan Gheorghe Dungaciu (born October 3, 1968, Târgu Mureş) is a Romanian sociologist and an expert in the situation in Republic of Moldova.


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Dan Gheorghe Dungaciu was born on October 3, 1968, in Târgu Mureş. He graduate from University of Bucharest in 1995 and got his PhD in 2002. Dan Gheorghe Dungaciu works for University of Bucharest. He served as a Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Romania)

Dan Dungaciu is a well recognized expert of the political and social events that occur in Republic of Moldova and author of many articles and analyses, including of a book titled "Who are we? Chronicles from East and West." Moreover, he is an editorialist of Vocea Basarabiei and Timpul de dimineaţă.

Dan Dungaciu Cine este Dan Dungaciu posibil ministru al Dezvoltrii Regionale n

He got Moldovan citizenship on July 16, 2010, when he became an advisor for European Integration for president Mihai Ghimpu. He married Moldovan journalist Stela Popa in October 2012.


Dan Dungaciu Dan Dungaciu Cuvntul Ortodox

Dan Dungaciu is laureate of the Dimitrie Gusti prize for sociology offered by the Romanian Academy (1995) and the International Prize for Sociology of the University of Istanbul (2001). In 2009, the interim President of Moldova Mihai Ghimpu signed a decree on bestowing an Order of Honour (Romanian: Ordinul de Onoare) on Dan Dungaciu.


Dan Dungaciu Dan Dungaciu

  • Sociologia şi geopolitica frontierei (coauthor), 2 volume, 1995.
  • Istoria sociologiei. Teorii contemporane (coautor), 1996.
  • "Reţelele omeniei" şi reţelele mistificării, 1997
  • Enciclopedia valorilor reprimate, 2 volume, 2000 (coautor)
  • Statul şi comunitatea morală. Memorii (1904–1910), Traian Brăileanu, (ediţie îngrijită, studiu introductiv şi repere bibliografice de Dan Dungaciu), 2002
  • Sociologia românească interbelică în context european, 2002.
  • Naţiunea şi provocările (post)modernităţii, 2002
  • Moldova ante portas, 2005
  • Cine suntem noi? Cronici de la Est de Vest, Editura Cartier, Colectia Cartier Istoric, 2009.

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    Dan Dungaciu Wikipedia

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