Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Curro Romero

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Curro Romero


Curro Romero Curro Romero Other Biography and works at Spain is culture
Carmen Tello Barbadillo (m. 2003), Concha Marquez Piquer (m. 1962–1982)

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Curro romero en la maestranza sevilla 1980

Francisco Romero Lopez (December 1, 1933) Spanish bullfighter, known as Curro Romero. Born in Camas, near Seville.


He started his professional career in La Panoleta (Seville), on August 22, 1954 together with Limeno.

His first corrida with horses took place in Utrera (Sevilla), on September 8, 1954, fighting bulls that belonged to Ruperto de los Reyes and Francisco Corpas. His debut in Madrid happened on July 18, 1957, with bulls from Alipio Perez-Tabernero. He was not very successful on that day.

Curro Romero wwwbiografiasyvidascombiografiarfotosromero

His career has been one of the longest in bullfighting. It has also been very irregular. He retired at age 66, after 42 years of profession. There is a bronze statue of him outside the bullring in Sevilla.

Curro Romero Curro Romero o el tiempo detenido La hora de la verdad

El Legado de | Curro Romero


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