Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Scientific name

Higher classification

Crinum wwwpacificbulbsocietyorgpbswikifilesCrinumCr

Lower classifications
Crinum asiaticum, Crinum × powellii, Crinum latifolium, Crinum calamistratum, Crinum bulbispermum

Crinum calamistratum an aquarium plant with a twist fincasters episode 120

Crinum is a genus of about 180 species of perennial plants that have large showy flowers on leafless stems, and develop from bulbs. They are found in seasonally moist areas, including marshes, swamps, depressions and along the sides of streams and lakes in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide.


Crinum Crinum Wikipedia

Crinum leaves are basal, typically long and strap-shaped, with colors ranging from light green to green.

Several species are used in aquariums.

Cytological studies have shown some 27 species of Crinum to be diploid with a normal chromosome count of 2n = 22. Abilio Fernandes found that the Orange River Crinum bulbispermum had a count of 2n = 66, and some desert Crinum macowanii 2n = 44. These polyploid species produce seeds that are often parthenogenetic triploid or diploids, lack vigour and seldom grow to mature plants.

Crinum How to Prune Crinum Lily Miss Smarty Plants

In Hawaiʻi Crinum augustum (or Crinum amabile var augustum) is known as the Queen Emma Lily.

Crinum calamistratum


Crinum Crinum powellii Rosea Crinum powellii rosea Crinum Lily Cape

As of July 2014, the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families lists 105 species of Crinum. Amongst these are:

Crinum Crinum Lily Bulbs How To Care For Crinum Lilies

  • Crinum americanum L. – Southern Swamplily, Seven Sisters
  • Crinum asiaticum L. – Poisonbulb
  • Crinum bulbispermum (Burm.f.) Milne-Redh. & Schweick. – Hardy Swamplily
  • Crinum latifolium L.
  • Crinum macowanii Baker
  • Crinum moorei Hook.f.
  • Crinum pedunculatum R.Br., syn. C. asiaticum var. pedunculatum – Swamplily, River Lily or Spider Lily
  • Crinum thaianum Schulze – Onion plant
  • Formerly placed here

    Crinum Crinum asiaticum Wikipedia

  • Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. (as C. africanum L.)
  • Ammocharis heterostyla (Bullock) Milne-Redh. & Schweick. (as C. heterostylum Bullock)
  • Cyrtanthus angustifolius (L.f.) Aiton (as C. angustifolius L.f.)
  • Cyrtanthus elatus (Jacq.) Traub (as C. speciosum L.f.)
  • Cyrtanthus obliquus (L.f.) Aiton (as C. obliquum L.f.)
  • Hippeastrum argentinum (Pax) Hunz. (as C. argentinum Pax)
  • Urceolina urceolata (Ruiz & Pav.) Asch. & Graebn. (as C. urceolatum Ruiz & Pav.)
  • Hybrids

    Crinum cpedjpg

  • × Amarcrinum hybridised with Amaryllis
  • C. × powellii (garden hybrid between C. bulbispermum and C. moorei) - pale pink, fragrant, lily-like flowers produced in late summer
  • C. × powellii 'Album' (white flowered cultivar)
  • References

    Crinum Wikipedia

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