Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Scientific name


Higher classification

Boreoeutheria Boreoeutheria

Lower classifications
Laurasiatheria, Primate, Rodent, Carnivores, Even‑toed ungulate

Boreoeutheria (synonymous with Boreotheria) (Greek: βόρειο "north" + ευ "good" + θεριό "beast") is a clade (magnorder) of placental mammals that is composed of the sister taxa Laurasiatheria (most hoofed mammals, most pawed carnivores, and several other groups) and Euarchontoglires (Supraprimates). It is now well supported by DNA sequence analyses, as well as retrotransposon presence or absence data.


Boreoeutheria OrthoMaM A database of orthologous genomic markers for placental

The earliest known fossils belonging to this group date to about 65 million years ago, shortly after the K-Pg extinction event, though molecular data suggest they may have originated earlier, during the Cretaceous period.

Boreoeutheria httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

With the exception of rhinoceroses and cetaceans, male members of the clade share the distinction of external testicles.

Boreoeutherian ancestor

Boreoeutheria Ancient origin of placental expression in the growth hormone genes

The common ancestor of Boreoeutheria lived between 100 and 80 million years ago. The boreoeutherian ancestor gave rise to species as diverse as giraffe, dog, mouse, bat, whale and humans. The concept of boreoeutherian ancestor was first proposed in 2004 in the journal Genome Research. The genome sequence of the boreoeutherian ancestor can be computationally predicted with high accuracy. It is estimated to contain three billion base pairs.


Class Mammalia

Boreoeutheria Scientists Recreate Genome of Ancient Human Ancestor

  • Magnorder Boreoeutheria
  • Superorder Euarchontoglires (Supraprimates)
  • Clade Euarchonta
  • Order Scandentia: treeshrews (Southeast Asia)
  • Clade Primatomorpha
  • Order Dermoptera: flying lemurs or colugos (Southeast Asia)
  • Order Primates: lemurs, bushbabies, monkeys, apes (cosmopolitan)
  • Clade Glires
  • Order Lagomorpha: pikas, rabbits, hares (Eurasia, Africa, Americas)
  • Order Rodentia: rodents (cosmopolitan)
  • Superorder Laurasiatheria
  • Clade Eulipotyphla
  • Order Erinaceomorpha: hedgehogs and gymnures (Eurasia, Africa, extinct in North America)
  • Order Soricomorpha: moles, shrews, solenodons (Eurasia, Africa, North America, northern South America)
  • Clade Cetartiodactyla
  • Order Cetacea: whales, dolphins and porpoises (cosmopolitan in seas)
  • Order Artiodactyla: even-toed ungulates, including pigs, hippopotamus, camels, giraffe, deer, antelope, cattle, sheep, goats (cosmopolitan)
  • Order Chiroptera: bats (cosmopolitan)
  • Clade Zooamata
  • Order Perissodactyla: odd-toed ungulates, including horses, donkeys, zebras, tapirs, and rhinoceroses (cosmopolitan)
  • Clade Ferae
  • Order Pholidota: pangolins or scaly anteaters (Africa, South and Southeast Asia)
  • Order Carnivora: carnivorans (cosmopolitan)
  • Cladogram

    The weakly favoured cladogram favours Boreoeuthearia as a basal Eutherian clade as sister to the Atlantogenata.


    Boreoeutheria Boreoeutheria Wikipedia

    While it is agreed that the cetaceans evolved within artiodactyls, much of the branching order within Laurasiatheria is not yet well resolved. In particular, the most difficult order to place definitively has been and still is Perissodactyla: Their placement within Zooamata is controversial.

    Boreoeutheria Differential loss of embryonic globin genes during the radiation of

    One study has suggested that the carnivores, cetaceans, chiroptera and ungulates form an ancient clade. This is supported by another study that suggests that Eulipotyphla are the earliest diverging clade within the Laurasiatheria.


    Boreoeutheria Wikipedia

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