Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Boran cattle

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Scientific name
Bos indicus

Country of origin
Boran cattle httpsvastrapboranfileswordpresscom201304j

Male: 225–395 kilograms (496–871 lb)Female: 250–355 kilograms (551–783 lb)

White, fawn, red, black

Bonsmara, Nguni cattle, Afrikaner cattle, Sahiwal cattle, Brahman

Boran cattle are a popular Zebu beef breed in eastern Africa.



Boran cattle DE LA VIDA BORAN CATTLE STUD amp EMBRYOS It39s a way of life with

Kenyan Boran cattle were developed from the native shorthorned Zebu cattle of the Borana Oromo people of southern Ethiopia. They are usually white or fawn, with the bulls being darker with black point. Their great similarity to the American Brahman cattle is not without basis, they are also descended from cattle from the western coast of India, only much earlier.

Boran cattle Home

Since 1951, the Boran Cattle Breeders' Society has been managed and strategically breeding Boran cattle in Kenya. As of 2008, there were approximately 454 beef ranches in the country, which can be classified based on ownership as one of five categories: group ranches, private company ranches, co-operative ranches, public company ranches, and government ranches.

Physical Characteristics

Boran cattle DE LA VIDA BORAN CATTLE STUD amp EMBRYOS It39s a way of life with

Having been in Africa for over a thousand years, they are very well adapted to local conditions and parasites. Boran cattle are known for their fertility, early maturation (more so than other Zebu breeds), hardiness, and docility.


Boran cattle AgriEco Southern Cape amp Karoo

The Orma Boran is the smallest of the Boran breeds, smaller than the Kenyan Boran. Mature male Orma Boran range in size from 225 to 395 kg, while females are from 250 to 355 kg.

Boran cattle Boran Cattle MpalaLive

The Kenyan Boran developed from the Orma Boran, Borana, and Somali Boran. The Kenyan Boran is differentiated from other Boran due to its size and well-developed hindquarters. Mature male Kenyan Boran range in size from 550 to 850 kg, while females are from 400 to 550 kg. The Kenyan Boran coat colour is usually white with spots, but brown and red coat colours have also been found.

Boran cattle Breeds Boran The Cattle Site


Boran cattle Wikipedia

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