Betsy Reilly Lewin (born May 12, 1937) is an American illustrator from Clearfield, Pennsylvania . She studied illustration at Pratt Institute. After graduation, she began designing greeting cards. She began writing and illustrating stories for children's magazines and eventually children's books. She is married to children's book illustrator Ted Lewin and with him has co-written and illustrated several books about their travels to remote places, including Uganda in Gorilla Walk and Mongolia in Horse Song , as well as How to Babysit a Leopard: and Other True Stories from Our Travels Across Six Continents (Roaring Brook Press, 2015). She is arguably best known for the Caldecott Honor Book Click Clack Moo: Cows that Type.
Ted and betsy lewin air date 06 24 08 Thump, Quack, Moo by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin, Atheneum Books , 2006, ISBN 978-1-4169-1630-7Horse Song: The Naadam of Mongolia by Ted Lewin and Betsy Lewin, Lee & Low Books, 2008, ISBN 978-1-58430-277-3Heat Wave by Eileen Spinelli, Harcourt Children's Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0-15-216779-0Dooby, Dooby, Moo by Doreen Cronin, Atheneum Books , 2006, ISBN 978-0-618-43477-0 and ISBN 0-618-43477-1Click Clack, Quackity-Quack by Doreen Cronin, Atheneum Books, 2005, ISBN 978-0-689-87715-5Click, Clack, Splish, Splash by Doreen Cronin, Atheneum Books, 2005, ISBN 978-0-689-87716-2Duck For President by Doreen Cronin, Simon & Schuster, 2004, ISBN 0-689-86377-2Animal Snackers by Betsy Lewin, Henry Holt , 2004, ISBN 0-8050-6748-5The Sleepover by Grace Maccarone, Scholastic , 2003, ISBN 0-439-38575-XCat Count by Betsy Lewin, Henry Holt , 2003, ISBN 0-8050-6747-7Two Eggs Please by Sarah Weeks , Simon & Schuster, 2003, ISBN 0-689-83196-XA Hug Goes Around by Laura Krauss Melmed, HarperCollins , 2003, ISBN 0-688-14680-5Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin, Simon & Schuster, 2002, ISBN 0-689-84506-5Aunt Minnie and the Twister by Mary S. Prigger, Clarion Books, 2002, ISBN 0-618-11136-0Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin, Simon & Schuster, 2000, ISBN 0-689-83213-3Aunt Minnie McGranahan by Mary S. Prigger, Clarion Books, 1999, ISBN 0-395-82270-XNo Such Thing by Jackie French Koller , Boyds Mills Press, 1996, ISBN 1-56397-490-8Somebody Catch My Homework by David Harrison, Boyds Mills Press, 1993, ISBN 1-878093-87-8Chubbo’s Pool by Betsy Lewin, Clarion Books, 1996, ISBN 0-395-72807-XWhat’s The Matter Habibi? by Betsy Lewin, Clarion Books, 1997, ISBN 0-395-85816-XPromises by Elizabeth Winthrop , Clarion Books, 2000, ISBN 0-395-82272-6Gorilla Walk by Ted and Betsy Lewin, (Lothrop) HarperCollins , 1999, ISBN 0-688-16509-5Elephant Quest by Ted and Betsy Lewin, HarperCollins, 2000, ISBN 0-688-14111-0Purrfectly Purrfect by Patricia Lauber, HarperCollins, 2000, ISBN 0-688-17299-7Araminta’s Paintbox by Karen Ackerman , Simon & Schuster, Aladdin paperback, 1990, ISBN 0-689-82091-7Booby Hatch by Betsy Lewin, Clarion paperback, 1995, ISBN 0-395-84516-5Yo Hungry Wolf! by David Vozar, B.D.Dell paperback, 1993, ISBN 0-440-40953-5Dumpy La Rue by Elizabeth Winthrop , Henry Holt, 2001, ISBN 0-8050-6385-4A Houseful of Christmas by Barbara Joosse, Henry Holt, 2001, ISBN 0-8050-6391-9Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox by Grace Maccarone, Scholastic , ISBN 0-590-44948-6My Tooth is About to Fall Out by Grace Maccarone, ScholasticGym Day Winner by Grace Maccarone, Scholastic, ISBN 0-606-09280-3Recess Mess by Grace Maccarone, ScholasticLunchbox Surprise by Grace Maccarone, ScholasticI Have A Cold by Grace Maccarone, Scholastic, ISBN 0-590-39638-2Class Trip by Grace Maccarone, Scholastic, ISBN 0-439-06755-3Fraidy Cats by Stephen Krensky, Scholastic, ISBN 0-590-46438-8Groundhog Day by Betsy Lewin, Scholastic, ISBN 0-439-10802-0Is It Far to Zanzibar?: Poems About Tanzania by Nikki Grimes , HarperCollins, ISBN 0-688-13157-3Walk a Green Path by Betsy Lewin, HarperCollins, 1995What is the Shark Wears Tennis Shoes? by Winifred Morris, Atheneum Books, 1990Kitten in Trouble by M. Polushkin, Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing,1988Furlie Cat by Berneice Frechet, 1986Hip, Hippo, Hooray by Betsy Lewin, 1982Penny by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers, Lothrop, Lee * Shepard Books, 1987Here is a partial list of recent exhibits featuring Betsy's works:
Pratt Institute Libraries Exhibition: "Around the World with Ted and Betsy Lewin" October 30 - December 2, 2008
Society of Illustrators: main floor gallery
Exhibition: "Adventures With Ted and Betsy" June 1 through June 11, 2005
Massachusetts Audubon Center, Canton, MA. Exhibition: "NCCIL Traveling Show"Feb. 12 through May 1, 2005
Brooklyn Public Library, New York Exhibition: "Ted and Betsy Lewin's World of Picture Books" March 4–30, 2004
Children's Museum of Manhattan, New York Exhibition: "Travels with Ted and Betsy Lewin" Featured 78 original illustrations from many of their books.
National Center for Children's Illustrated Literature (NCCIL)
Exhibition: "Adventures with Ted and Betsy", Abilene, TX, Watershouse, Germantown, MD, Wichita Falls, TX
Society of Illustrators, Original Art 2001 Silver Medalist National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C. University of Southern Missouri Society of Illustrators, Women Illustrators of the Century