Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Beer cocktail

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Beer cocktail Five beer cocktails you can make in minutes BBC Good Food

Michelada, Margarita, Champagne Cocktail, Ginger beer, Shandy

5 best beer cocktails

A beer cocktail is a cocktail that is made by mixing beer with a distilled beverage or another style of beer. In this type of cocktail, the primary ingredient is beer. A mixture of beer with a beverage that contains a soft drink is usually called a shandy.


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List of beer cocktails

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  • Black and Tan – A drink made from a blend of pale ale and a dark beer such as a stout or porter. Traditionally uses bitter and stout.
  • Black Velvet – Stout with some sparkling wine or champagne. Cheap version uses cider and stout.
  • BoilermakerMild ale mixed with bottled brown ale or in the US a glass of beer with a shot of whiskey.
  • Brass Monkey – A beverage created by adding orange juice to a partially drunk 40 ounce. Named after the Beastie Boys song although disputed whether this is the drink referred to in the song.
  • Coronarita – An overturned Corona bottle draining into a margarita.
  • Dog's Nose – beer and gin, referred to in Tom Sharpe's book Grantchester Grind.
  • Flaming Doctor Pepper – Flaming drink made from beer, high-proof alcohol and Amaretto. Tastes like Dr Pepper.
  • Hangman's Blood – Porter combined with brandy, gin, and rum.
  • Irish Car Bomb – Irish stout with a mixed shot of Irish cream and Irish whiskey.
  • Michelada – Beer mixed with lemon juice, salt, Worcestershire sauce, Valentina and Maggi hot sauces.
  • Micky Mouse - Equal parts of lager and bitter
  • Porchcrawler – Equal parts of beer, vodka, and lemonade concentrate.
  • Sake bomb – A shot of sake poured or dropped into a glass of beer.
  • Snakebite – Equal parts of lager and cider
  • Tom Bass – Bass ale with a shot of Jägermeister served in a pint glass.
  • U-Boot – A glass of beer with a shot glass containing vodka "submerged" in it.

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