Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Battle of Churubusco

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American victory

20 August 1847

Battle of Churubusco BATTLE OF CHURUBUSCO August 20 1847

133 killed865 wounded
263 killed460 wounded1,831 captured

Mexico, United States of America

Mexican–American War, Battle of Contreras, Battle of Chapultepec, Battle of Molino del Rey, Battle of Cerro Gordo

Battle of churubusco

The Battle of Churubusco took place on August 20, 1847, while Santa Anna's army was in retreat from the Battle of Contreras (Padierna), Mexican–American War. After defeating the Mexican army at Churubusco, the U.S. Army was only 5 miles (8 km) away from Mexico City.



Battle of Churubusco Battle Of Churubusco 1847 Photograph by Granger

Following their defeats at Contreras Santa Anna ordered Major General Nicolás Bravo with the Army of the Center to retreat from San Antonio to Churubusco. Santa Anna also ordered Major General Manuel Rincon to hold the Franciscan Convent of San Mateo in Churubusco, with earthworks and seven guns, and placed General Francisco Perez on the tete-de-pont on the south bank of the river. Two regiments were placed along the river while the convent included the Bravo Battalions of the Mexico City National Guard and the San Patricio Battalion, plus Santa Anna formed a reserve along the highway to the north.


Battle of Churubusco httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Scott sent David Twiggs and Gideon Johnson Pillow's divisions from San Angel to Coyoacán, while he ordered William J. Worth to turn the San Antonio position. Worth sent Col. Newman S. Clarke's brigade and Lt. Col. Charles F. Smith's light battalion across the Pedregal lava field to the west of San Antonio, while Col. John Garland faced San Antonio on the south.

Battle of Churubusco Battle of Churubusco Wikipedia

During retreat from San Antonio, the Mexican defenders (part of the 1st Line of Defense (or sometimes the "Army of the Center") with Col. F. Villarreal and about 2,000 men: 700 of the "Hidalgo," 500 of the "Victoria" (Lt. Col. P. Jorrin) Natl. Guards Battalions, and 800 others: under Cols. A. Zerecero & J. G. Perdigon Garay), were struck in flank by Clarke's Brigade. Garland moved forward as the Mexicans withdrew from San Antonio and captured a general and four guns.

Battle of Churubusco The USMexican War War 18461848 The Battle of Churubusco PBS

Scott ordered an attack on the convent. In addition to the stone walls of the convent, the defenses included a series of incomplete trenches the Mexicans had begun digging prior to the attack. Some elements of the Tlapa and Lagos Battalions arrived as reinforcements. Three cannon were placed on the right; two in the center; and the remaining two on the left. Independencia was assigned to defend the upper walls, the right flank leading to the bridge, the unfortified south and north sides, and two adobe huts further forward on the battlefield. The Bravos and the San Patricios were stationed on the left, behind barricades. In support along the Rio Churubusco was the Perez Brigade : 2,500 men (11th Line, 1st, 3d & 4th Light Infantry Regiments)

Worth's division took on the tete-de-pont, while Twiggs' the convent. Rincon's gunners were able to force Taylor's battery to withdraw, and Perez's defense on the tete-de-ponte twice repulsed Major Benjamin Bonneville's 6th Infantry charge. The attack by Franklin Pierce and James Shields, crossing the river on the Coyoacan-Mixcoac road in an attempt to cut off the Mexican retreat, was also stopped. However, Worth turned the Mexican left and crossed the river, while the 8th and 5th Infantry took the tete de pont. Capt. Duncan then set up a battery to attack the convent.

Two of the Mexican cannons had melted and a third had fallen from its mount. Lieutenant Colonel Francisco Peñúñuri of Independencia led a handful of men in a bayonet charge and was defeated. He and Captain Luis Martínez de Castro, who had accompanied him, were killed in the battle. Officers from the Bravos attempted to raise the white flag over the convent walls on three occasions. They were prevented from doing so, however, by members of the San Patricios who feared the fate that awaited them if they were taken prisoner, though seventy-two men were ultimately captured and court-martialed for desertion, including the leader, John O'Riley. U.S. Captain James Milton Smith finally stopped the fighting by putting up a white handkerchief.


The Americans captured 192 prisoners and 3 pieces of artillery at the tete de pont. They captured 1,259 prisoners, including 3 generals and the San Patricios leader Lt. Col. Francisco Rosenda Moreno, plus 7 pieces of artillery at the convent. They captured another 380 prisoners further up the road.

Scott did not continue the pursuit into Mexico City, "...willing to leave something to this republic...I halted our victorious corps at the gates of the city."

A brigade of volunteers from New York was billeted to the convent, remaining there until September 7.

In the arts

Parts of the battle were portrayed in the mini-series North and South, as well as the film One Man's Hero (1999).

Additional reading

  • Balbontin, Manuel " Recuerdos de la invasion norte-americana, 1846-1848.
  • Annual Reports 1894, War Department lists trophy guns as:1- 16 pounder bronze, 4- 8 pounders, 4- 6 pounders and 3- 4 pounders.
  • References

    Battle of Churubusco Wikipedia

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