B Tuning or B Standard Tuning is the standard tuning for a seven string guitar, where the strings are tuned B-E-A-D-G-B-E. B tuning can also be achieved on a six string guitar, when the strings are tuned B-E-A-D-F♯-B, known then as Baritone Tuning. This tuning is popular among several different types of metal bands.
The following is a list of musical groups who use this tuning on a typical six-string guitar:
AbortedThe AbsenceAeon (7 string guitars)Aghora (7 string guitars) (on the album Aghora (album))Allegaeon (7 string guitars)All Shall PerishAmon Amarth (on most albums)AnacrusisAnal CuntAnathema (This tuning and Drop A were used in on all albums until We're Here Because We're Here, where some songs are in C tuning, which became the band's primary tuning along with drop B-flat.)Angel Vivaldi (7 string guitars)Animals as Leaders (On most of their first album, 7-string guitars)Arch Enemy (albums: Black Earth, Stigmata and Burning Bridges)Arcturus on the album The Sham MirrorsAt the GatesAttack Attack! on the album self-titled AlbumAudioslaveAuguryAvatar (from Black Waltz onwards)Bal-SagothBiomechanical (7 string guitars) on the album CannibalisedBlack Label Society On "13 Years of Grief" from the album Stronger Than DeathBleed From WithinBloodbathBlood Has Been ShedBlood Red Throne on the album Altered GenesisBongzillaBrutartCannibal Corpse (7 string guitars)CarpathianCarach AngrenCavalera Conspiracy (on the album Blunt Force Trauma and some songs on the album Inflikted)Carajo (B flat tuning)CarcassCathedral on the albums Forest of Equilibrium, The Ethereal Mirror, Statik Majik, and The Garden of Unearthly Delights (album)Cephalic CarnageCoal Chamber (BEADGB, although some songs are dropped to A)Coheed and Cambria (Key Entity Extraction II: Hollywood the Cracked, Key Entity Extraction V: Sentry the Defiant)CrowbarCryptopsyDave Matthews Band (On "You Never Know")Despised IconDevourmentDismemberDivine Heresy (7 string guitars)DragonForce (7 string guitars)Dream Theater (7 string guitars) (used on many songs, including "Lie", "Caught in a Web" and "The Mirror" from Awake; the 1994 version of "To Live Forever"; "A Change of Seasons"; "Just Let Me Breathe" from Falling into Infinity; "Scene Seven: I. The Dance of Eternity" from Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory, and most songs from the Twelve-step Suite)Edenbridge (on their first five albums)Edge Of SanityElectric Wizard on the album DopethroneEluveitie (on most songs)Emperor on the album Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & DemiseEntombed (on their album Left Hand Path)Epica on all albums except the Phantom Agony (D tuning) and Consign to Oblivion (C tuning (D-flat tuning on the songs, "the Last Crusade", "Blank Infinity", and "Another Me in Lack'ech"))ExhumedFallujah (7 string guitars)Fear Factory (used B on a six-string prior to Dino Cazares' 1995 switch to Ibanez, from whom he began 7-string guitars.)Five Finger Death PunchFleshgod ApocalypseGodflesh (on the Streetcleaner album, and on a 7-string on Us and Them and Hymns)GraveGravewormHunting HumansHypocrisy (On all albums up until Virus, from which they use A# Standard and on all albums after)I Killed The Prom QueenIlldisposed (All albums up until Burn Me Wicked)Iron MonkeyJungle RotKataklysmKingdom of SorrowKing's X (on the album Black Like Sunday)Kenn NardiLacuna Coil (7 string guitars)Lead Belly was rumored to use this tuning in a 12-string variation.Linkin Park (on the song "Runaway" from 2003 concerts, but it was originally recorded on standard tuned 7-string guitars.)Massacre (on Back from Beyond)MnemicThe Monolith DeathcultMyChildren MyBrideNegură Bunget (7 string guitars)Nekrogoblikon (7 string guitars)NovembreOomph!Otto MannPelicanPomegranate Tiger (7 string guitars)Pro-PainProfiles in Terror (7 string guitar and 6 guitar B tuned)Raintime (7 string guitars)Satariel (7 string guitars)Scar Symmetry (7 string guitars, on Symmetric in Design and Pitch Black Progress; have since switched to Drop A tuning)Seventh VoidSepultura (from Roots onward)SkinlessShadow Over InnsmouthSlipknotSoilworkSoulflySpawn of Possession (6 & 7 string guitars; Jonas Bryssling plays a 6 string, while Jonas Karlsson and Christian Muenzner's parts are written for 7 strings)SpineshankStencherSteve Vai (7 string guitars)Sun Caged (7 string guitars)Textures (7 string guitars)Theory of a Deadman (on their song "No Surprise" and recent live performances of "Bad Girlfriend")The Project Hate MCMXCIXThe GazetteTrivium (7 string guitars, on some songs from The Crusade and all songs on Shogun)Type O NegativeUnderoath (on some songs from Ø (Disambiguation))Unearth (7 string guitars)UniversumUnleashedVehemenceWarningWhitechapel (7 string guitars, only on a few songs)Winterfylleth (also use Drop A)Within Temptation (lead guitarist Ruud Jolie uses 7 string guitars, while Robert Westerholt downtunes a six-string to B)Yanomamo