Puneet Varma (Editor)

Austin Independent School District

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Pre-K through 12

Dr. Paul Cruz

447 km²



6,369 (2014–15)

Number of students


Austin Independent School District httpswwwaustinisdorgsitesdefaultfilesdept

Independent school district

Athletic conference
District 26 4A,District 25 5A

1.053 billion USD (2014–2015)


4th annual steel band festival austin independent school district

Austin Independent School District is a school district based in the city of Austin, Texas, United States. Established in 1881, the district serves most of the City of Austin, the City of Sunset Valley, the Village of San Leanna, and unincorporated areas in Travis County (including Manchaca). The district operates 129 schools including 84 elementary schools, 18 middle schools, and 16 high schools.


Map of Austin Independent School District, TX, USA

As of 2013 AISD covers 172.4 square miles (447 km2) of land within the City of Austin, making up 54.1% of the city's territory.

Academic achievement

In 2011, the school district was rated "academically acceptable" by the Texas Education Agency. Forty-nine percent of districts in Texas in 2011 received the same rating. No state accountability ratings will be given to districts in 2012. A school district in Texas can receive one of four possible rankings from the Texas Education Agency: Exemplary (the highest possible ranking), Recognized, Academically Acceptable, and Academically Unacceptable (the lowest possible ranking).

Historical district TEA accountability ratings

  • 2011: Academically Acceptable
  • 2010: Academically Acceptable
  • 2009: Academically Acceptable
  • 2008: Academically Acceptable
  • 2007: Academically Acceptable
  • 2006: Academically Acceptable
  • 2005: Academically Acceptable
  • 2004: Academically Acceptable
  • Finances

    Like other Texas public school districts, AISD is funded through a combination of local property taxes, general state revenues (such as occupation taxes, Texas Lottery profits, and returns from the Permanent School Fund), and federal education funds. The district also funds some facilities construction and improvements through the issuance of debt by bond elections; AISD's most recent bond election was in 2013.

    Austin Ed Fund

    Austin Ed Fund serves as a catalyst for generating and distributing external resources for the support of innovation and excellence in AISD. Originally named Austin Public Education Foundation (APEF), Austin Ed Fund was created over two decades ago as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by an independent Board of Directors made up of business, community and education leaders.

    Austin Ed Fund supports programs and initiatives that:

  • Help students Excel in the classroom
  • Embrace innovative approaches
  • Expand learning capacity in the classroom
  • Encourage community support and maintain strategic alliance with AISD
  • In 2015, fundraising efforts from foundations, corporations, and individuals supported the Ed Fund's Innovation Grants program and AISD's Social and Emotional Learning initiative. Community members can learn more or donate at www.austinedfund.org.


    On April 14, 2014, superintendent Dr. Meria Joel Carstarphen announced that she was resigning to become the superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools in Atlanta, Georgia. On January 26, 2015, Dr. Paul Cruz was promoted from interim to full superintendent.

    List of superintendents

  • John B. Winn - 1881–1894
  • Prof. Thomas Green Harris - 1895–1903
  • Arthur N. McCallum, Sr. - 1903–1942
  • Dr. Russell Lewis - 1942–1947
  • Dr. J.W. Edgar - 1947–1950
  • Dr. Irby B. Carruth - 1950–1970
  • Dr. Jack L. Davidson - 1970–1980
  • Dr. John Ellis - 1980–1990
  • Dr. Gonzalo Garza (Interim) - 1990–1991
  • Dr. Jim B. Hensley - 1991–1992
  • Dr. Terry N. Bishop (Interim) - 1993–1994
  • Dr. James Fox, Jr. - 1995–1998
  • A.C. Gonzalez (Interim) - 1998–1999
  • Dr. Pascal D. Forgione, Jr. - 1999–2009
  • Dr. Meria Carstarphen - 2009–2014
  • Dr. Paul Cruz - 2014–Present
  • Demographics

    In the 1970s white flight to Westlake and other suburbs of Austin that were majority white began. In 1970 the student body of AISD was 65% non-Hispanic (Anglo) white. In the late 1970s the student body was 57% non-Hispanic white, 26% Hispanic and Latino, and 15% African-American. Until 1978 AISD categorized Hispanics and Latinos as "white" so they could integrate them with African-Americans while leaving non-Hispanic whites out of integration. That year it was forced to integrate Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites. In 2000 the student body of AISD was 37% non-Hispanic white.

    High schools

  • Images of AISD High Schools
  • The following high schools cover grades 9 to 12, unless otherwise noted.

    Zoned high schools
    Unzoned high schools
  • Liberal Arts & Science Academy High School
  • Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders (6–12)
  • Middle schools

  • Images of AISD Middle Schools
  • Zoned middle schools
    Unzoned middle schools
  • Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders (6–12)
  • Fulmore Magnet of Humanities and Law for International Studies;
  • Kealing Magnet
  • Elementary schools

  • Images of AISD Elementary Schools
  • Athletic facilities

  • Toney Burger Center (Football, Baseball, Track & Field, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer)
  • I.I. Nelson Field (Football, Baseball, Track & Field, Soccer)
  • Delco Activity Center (Basketball, Volleyball)
  • Ellie Noack Sports Complex (Baseball, Softball, Football, Soccer)
  • House Park (Football, Soccer)
  • References

    Austin Independent School District Wikipedia

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