Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Atlantic Philanthropies

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Chuck Feeney

1.4 billion USD (2012)

Atlantic Philanthropies httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsdd

Ageing, youth, human rights, poverty, progressive advocacy

Key people
Christopher Oechsli, Martin O'Brien


Ford Foundation, Global Impact, Open Society Foundations, W K Kellogg Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New Y


The Atlantic Philanthropies (AP) is a private foundation created in 1982 by Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney. The Atlantic Philanthropies focuses its giving on health, social, and politically liberal public policy causes in Australia, Bermuda, Ireland, South Africa, the United States and Vietnam. It is among the largest foreign charitable donors in each of the countries in which it operates, and is the single largest funder of programs that encourage the civic engagement of older people and of comprehensive immigration reform in the United States. With the single largest advocacy grant ever made by a foundation, the Atlantic Philanthropies committed $27 million to win passage of the Affordable Care Act in the United States. About half of the Atlantic Philanthropies' grants have been made in donations that allow lobbying.


Since its founding in 1982, the Atlantic Philanthropies has given out about $7.5 billion. The Atlantic Philanthropies is a limited-life foundation which will close its doors in 2020. The President and CEO of the Atlantic Philanthropies is Christopher Oechsli. He was appointed in 2011, succeeding Gara LaMarche. Martin O'Brien was appointed Senior Vice President of Programmes shortly thereafter.

One tactic used by the Atlantic Philanthropies is to use the promise of substantial gifts to compel governments and other donors to match. A total of $226 million in Atlantic grants have leveraged $1.3 billion of government money to the Irish university system. Atlantic's most recent grantmaking statistics are from 2014. The Atlantic Philanthropies commenced a spend-down process in 2012, and its entire portfolio will be liquid by the end of 2016. It plans to fully shutter its doors in 2020.

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Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney established the Atlantic Philanthropies in Bermuda in 1982. Born in 1931 to an Irish-American family from New Jersey, following service with the USAF, Feeney went on to study hotel management at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Feeney made his fortune in the duty-free business, co-founding Duty Free Shoppers (DFS). In 1982, the Atlantic Philanthropies made its first grant of $7 million to Cornell University.

In 1984, Feeney transferred his entire 38.75% ownership stake in DFS to what became the Atlantic Philanthropies. Feeney's charitable giving remained anonymous until 1997, when the world learned that Feeney's $1.6 billion cut of the DFS sale belonged not to Feeney but to his foundation.

In 2011, Feeney signed "The Giving Pledge," a campaign to encourage the wealthiest people in the United States to make a commitment to give most of their money to philanthropic causes while they are still alive.


AP concentrates its donations in the areas of aging, children and youth, population and health, and reconciliation and human rights. As of 2013, the Atlantic Philanthropies had distributed $6.5 billion.


In Australia, AP has donated more than $AUD500 million, including $AUD250 million in Queensland. These donations have been directed toward the building or expansion of 20 research facilities in Australia.

Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, AP has controversially supported the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission in its work to develop and promote proposals for a Bill of Rights for the region. It has also funded a coalition of civil society groups, the Bill of Rights Consortium.

Republic of Ireland

AP has invested over $1 billion in third-level education on the island of Ireland, funding research facilities at the University of Limerick and Dublin City University as well as a library and sports facility at Trinity College Dublin. AP's grants in Ireland have been credited by some for stimulating the Irish economy in the 1990s.

In 2009, AP indicated that it would grant €80 million in Ireland in 2009 to children, elderly and human rights projects. In 2011, AP awarded a €1.2 million grant to Barnados, one of Ireland's best-known children charities.

In 2004–13, AP provided $11.5m and political advice to the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network and three other Irish gay-rights groups. Prior to the 2015 same-sex marriage referendum, Catholic commentator Breda O'Brien characterised this as "American money buy[ing] an Irish referendum".

United States

In March 2009, AP pledged $125 million to the University of California, San Francisco to fund a medical center at the Mission Bay campus. At the time, it was the single largest grant the Atlantic Philanthropies had given. The project broke ground in October 2010.

From 2008-10, AP donated $27 million to Health Care for America Now (HCAN) to support their efforts to pass the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It was the single largest advocacy grant ever made by a foundation.

In 2011, AP gave $350 million to Cornell University to help build a new graduate school campus on New York City's Roosevelt Island. At the time, the gift was the largest donation in the university's history.

Culminating grants

In 2014, the Atlantic Philanthropies announced that it was making a series of major culminating grants, including one to foster peace and human rights in Northern Ireland, another to help fund a national dementia strategy in Ireland, and a third to expand the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a Washington, D.C.-based liberal think tank.

Recipients of 2016 culminating grants include the London School of Economics, for support of the International Inequalities Institute, and the Rhodes Trust, to fund the newly established Atlantic Institute.


Atlantic Philanthropies Wikipedia

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