Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Arturo Schwarz

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Arturo Schwarz


Arturo Schwarz Arturo Schwarz lultimo surrealista Rai Arte

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Arturo Schwarz. Surrealismo. Un testimone

Arturo Umberto Samuele Schwarz (born 2 February 1924) is an Italian scholar, art historian, poet, writer, lecturer, art consultant and curator of international art exhibitions. He lives in Milan, where he has amassed a large collection of Dada and Surrealist art, including many works by personal friends such as Marcel Duchamp, André Breton, Man Ray, and Jean Arp.


Arturo Schwarz Arturo Schwarz l39ami de Marcel Duchamp Le Nouveau Cenacle

Schwarz was born in Alexandria, Egypt from a German father and an Italian mother. In 1952 he relocated to Milan, where he opened an independent art publishing house. In 1961 Schwartz converted his place into a gallery, organising exhibitions of Dada and Surrealism artists. The gallery officially closed in 1975, and Schwarz started working as curator and writer, writing extensive publications on the work of Marcel Duchamp, as well as books and numerous essays on the Kabbalah, Tantrism, alchemy, prehistoric and tribal art, and Asian art and philosophy. His 1977 book on Man Ray's works and life was the first to reveal Ray's real name (Emmanuel Radnitzky).

Arturo Schwarz httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

In late 1990s he donated his 700-piece collection of Dada and Surrealist art to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

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On 6 March 1998 he was awarded the Diploma of First Class with gold medal for outstanding merits in the fields of culture and the arts by the President of Italian Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, on the recommendation of the Minister of Cultural Heritage Walter Veltroni.

Arturo Schwarz Arturo Schwarz Rai Arte

In 2006 he won Italy's Premio Frascati for his collected works of poetry (1946-2007).

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In October 2009 Schwarz curated an exhibition of Dada and Surrealism, "Dada e surrealismo riscoperti" (Dada And Surrealism Rediscovered), at the Vittoriano Museum Complex in Rome.

Selected works

  • Marcel Duchamp: Sixty-six Creative Years; From the First Painting to the Last Drawing, Gallery Schwarz (Milan, Italy), 1972.
  • New York Dada: Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia, Prestel Verlag (Munich, Germany), 1973.
  • Almanacco dada: Antologia letteraria-artistica, cronologia e repertorio delle riviste, Feltrinelli (Milan, Italy), 1976.
  • Man Ray: The Rigour of Imagination, Rizzoli International (New York, NY), 1977.
  • AndrĂ© Breton, Trotsky, et l'anarchie, Union Generale d'Editions (Paris, France), 1977.
  • The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp, H. N. Abrams (New York, NY), 1969, reprinted, Delano Greenidge (New York, NY), 1997.
  • References

    Arturo Schwarz Wikipedia

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