Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Antur Fort

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Government of India

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Pavangad, Ankai Fort, Pargadh, Sankshi fort, Ghosale gad

Antur Fort is a fort near chimnapur village in Kannad taluka In Aurangabad district of Maharashtra state of India. This monument is protected by Maharashtra State, Archaeology Department.


Antur Fort Yash Gaikwad BHATKANTI Fort Antur


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The fort was built about the middle of the 15th century by a Maratha Chief and was named after him.The fort made by Dhone community he live in chimnapur village .Dhone is leading surname in "96 Kuli Marathas" proof is available but not specific name are available but old people said antur forts "killedar" is about 16 senturi its name is Ravirav Shamrao Dhone" It remained in the possession of his descendants for about a century and was then taken by the Mohammedans. Between 16th and 17th centuries it belonged to the Nizam Shahi of Ahmadnagar, as is evidenced front several inscriptions in the fort in which some of the kings of this dynasty are mentioned.


Antur Fort Yash Gaikwad BHATKANTI Fort Lohgad

The hill on which fort stays is nearly square in form and about a mile in circumference. It has a natural scarp about 700 ft high on three sides while on the south it has been artificially scarped. Two fines of walls, with bastions at intervals, extend round the brow of the hill at a short distance from each other and the entrance was guarded by strong teak wood gates.

Antur Fort Antur Fort

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