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Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Sr

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Anthony Drexel


Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Sr. iimgurcomkgEM15bjpg

October 1, 1874 (
1874 -10-01

Resting place
The Woodlands (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

Cordelia Rundell Bradley

May 27, 1948, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle, Jr., Cordelia Drexel Biddle, Livingston Ludlow Biddle

The Madeira Islands - Volume 1, The Flowers of Life

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Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle I (1874–1948) was an eccentric millionaire whose fortune allowed him to pursue theatricals, self-published writing, athletics, and Christianity on a full-time basis.


Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Sr. httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommons22

He was the man upon whom the book My Philadelphia Father and the play and film The Happiest Millionaire were based. He trained men in hand-to-hand combat in both World War I and World War II, was a fellow of the American Geographical Society and founded a movement called "Athletic Christianity" that eventually attracted 300,000 members around the world. A 1955 Sports Illustrated article called him "boxing's greatest amateur" as well as a "major factor in the re-establishment of boxing as a legal and, at that time, estimable sport."

Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Sr. Bowie Knife Fights Fighters Fighting Techniques More on Col

Early life

Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Sr. Colonel A J Drexel Biddle USMCR Integrated Close Combat Forum

He was born on October 1, 1874 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Edward Biddle II and Emily Drexel. He was grandson of banker Anthony Joseph Drexel, and great-grandson of banker Nicholas Biddle. Biddle was a graduate of Germany's Heidelberg University.


Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Sr. Bowie Knife Fights Fighters Fighting Techniques More on Col

An officer in the United States Marine Corps, Biddle was an expert in close-quarters fighting and the author of Do or Die: A Supplementary Manual on Individual Combat, a book on combat methods, including knives and empty-hand skills, training both the United States Marine Corps in two world wars and Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He can be seen training Marines in the RKO short documentary Soldiers of the Sea. He was considered not just an expert in fighting, but also a pioneer of United States Marine Corps training in the bayonet and hand-to-hand combat. He based his style on fencing, though this approach was sometimes criticized as being unrealistic for military combat.

Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Sr. Hand to Hand Combat Legend Col Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle M1

Having joined the Marines in 1917 at the age of 41, he also convinced his superiors to include boxing in Marine Corps recruit training. In 1919, he was promoted to the rank of major, and became a lieutenant colonel in 1934. In Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, right outside of Philadelphia, Biddle opened a military training facility, where he trained 4,000 men. His training included long hours of calisthenics and gymnastics, and taught skills such as machete, saber, dagger, and bayonet combat, as well as hand grenade use, boxing, wrestling, savate and jiujitsu. He also served two years in the National Guard.

A keen boxer, Biddle sparred with Jack Johnson and taught boxing to Gene Tunney. He even hosted "boxing teas" in his home, where other boxers would spar a couple of rounds with him and then join the family for dinner. A February 1909 match with Philadelphia Jack O'Brien was attended by society leaders including women in elegant evening gowns.

He served as a judge in the fight between Jack Dempsey and Jess Willard on 4 July 1919.

On the 5th of February 1920, Joseph Drexel-Biddle, as chairman of the « Army Navy and Civilian Board of Boxing Control », of New-York, accepts the principle of membership in the International Boxing Union.


Biddle also worked in and on periodicals. He spent time as a sports reporter for the Public Ledger, and jokingly referred to himself as "the poorest and richest reporter in Philadelphia." He also revived the Philadelphia Sunday Graphic for a short interval, before it was forced to fold, and founded a short-lived "society weekly"-type publication, The People. After organizing the also short-lived Drexel Biddle Publishing House, he acted as its head for two years.

Books written by Biddle include:

  • A dual rôle: and other stories. The Warwick Book Publishing Company. 1894.
  • The Madeira Islands. Philadelphia: Drexel, Biddle & Bradley Publishing Company. 1896.
  • Shantytown Sketches. Philadelphia: Drexel, Biddle & Bradley Publishing Company. 1897.
  • The Froggy Fairy Book (1896) and The Second Froggy Fairy Book (1900) Drexel, Biddle & Bradley publishing company
  • The Flowers of Life. Philadelphia: Drexel, Biddle & Bradley Publishing Company. 1897.
  • Word for Word and Letter for Letter; a biographical romance. Gay & Bird. 1989.
  • Do or Die: A Supplementary Manual on Individual Combat. U.S. Marine Corps. 1937. (reprinted 1944 with new material, reprinted 1975)
  • Personal life

    In 1895, he married Cordelia Rundell Bradley. Together, they had:

  • Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Jr. (1897–1961), who married Mary Duke (1887–1960). They were the parents of Mary Duke Biddle (1920–2012) and Nicholas Benjamin Duke Biddle
  • Cordelia Drexel Biddle (1898–1984), who married Angier Buchanan Duke (1884–1923), the son of Benjamin Newton Duke. They were the parents of Angier Biddle Duke (1915–1995) and Anthony Drexel Duke (1918-2014).
  • Livingston Ludlow Biddle (1899–1981), who married Kate Raboteau Page (b. 1903), daughter of Robert N. Page. They were the parents of Livingston Ludlow Biddle, III.
  • He died May 27, 1948 from a cerebral hemorrhage and uremic poisoning.


    His daughter, Cordelia Drexel Biddle, worked with Kyle Crichton (father of Robert Crichton) to write a novel based on her family in 1955. In 1956, it was made into a play starring Walter Pidgeon. In 1967 a musical film based on the story, The Happiest Millionaire, was the last musical film to have personal involvement from Walt Disney. Biddle was played by Fred MacMurray in the film.


    Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle Sr. Wikipedia

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