Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Antamina mine

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Mina Antamina, Peru

Antamina mine

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Chemtrail plane flying over antamina mine in the middle of per

The Antamina mine in Peru is one of the largest copper/zinc mines in the world. It is an open pit mine which had an estimated life of mine at 15 years. It also produced molybdenum. It produced 390,800 tons of copper concentrate in 2006, 461,000 tons in 2013. The total capital expenditure of the mine by 2013 was US$2.3 billion.

The mine is expected to have its stockpiles depleted by 2022 and is thus scheduled to cease production by 2019. Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB) is in charge of the preparation for the Closure Plan.


Antamina mine Wikipedia

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