Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt

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Political party
Carl Bildt (m. 1998)

Anna Corazza

Gustaf Bildt


Anna Maria Corazza Bildt maj 2014 pershuvud Sida 2

Full Name
Anna Maria Corazza

10 March 1963 (age 61) Rome, Italy (

Alma mater
University of San DiegoColumbia University

Similar People
Carl Bildt, Christer Fant, Gunnar Hokmark, Christofer Fjellner, Lars Adaktusson


Entrepreneur, diplomat

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Baroness Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (born 10 March 1963) is a Swedish politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Sweden. She is a member of the Moderate Party, part of the European People's Party.


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Early career

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsaa

In 1998, she married Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden (1991-1994), former leader of the Swedish Moderate Party (1986-1999) and former Foreign Minister (2006-2014). The two met in the Balkans where she had been working for the United Nations during the Yugoslav wars and he served as the first High Representative in Bosnia. They now have one child together. She owns and runs Italian Tradition, a company importing Parmesan cheese, as well as Borgo di Tabiano Castello, a hotel near Fidenza.

Member of the European Parliament, 2009–present

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt European People39s Party AnnaMaria CorazzaBildt

Corazza Bildt successfully ran for MEP in the 2009 elections. She received 14.3% of Moderate personal votes. This was only surpassed by party top name Gunnar Hökmark (15.2%). She successfully ran for re-election in the 2014 elections. She received 16.37% of Moderate personal votes, putting down top name Gunnar Hökmark (12.08%)

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Corazza Bildt is vice chair of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, and a member of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality. In addition to her committee assignments, she co-chairs the European Parliament Intergroup on Children’s Rights and is a member of the European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights.

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt Anna Maria Corazza Bildt MEP Innov8

In 2014, Corazza Bildt was appointed as the leader of the Single Seat campaign in favor of abandoning Strasbourg for Brussels as the sole location of the European Parliament.

Anna Maria Corazza Bildt Anna Maria Corazza Bildt Wikipedia

In 2015, news media reported that Corazza Bildt was included in a Russian blacklist of prominent people from the European Union who are not allowed to enter the country.

In 2015, Corazza Bildt made headlines by asking parliamentary officials to check if there were any irregularities with the votes of Marine Le Pen, which prompted the European Parliament to open an investigation into whether MEPs voted on Le Pen’s behalf, which would be a violation of the body’s rules.

Other activities

  • Kangaroo Group, Member
  • References

    Anna Maria Corazza Bildt Wikipedia

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