Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Alberto Arbasino

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writer, essayist

Notable works
La bella di Lodi

Literary movement



Alberto Arbasino

Alberto Arbasino

22 January 1930 (age 94) Voghera, Lombardy, Italy (

Le piccole vacanze, La bella di Lodi, Super-Eliogabalo

Mario Arbasino, Massimo Arbasino

Gina Manusardi, Edoardo Arbasino

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Alberto Arbasino (born 22 January 1930) is an Italian writer and essayist.


Alberto Arbasino Alberto Arbasino Premio Fondazione Il Campiello 2013

Alberto arbasino si racconta prima parte


Alberto Arbasino httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaitthumbd

Arbasino was born in Voghera, southwestern Lombardy. He studied at the University of Milan where he graduated in law. Later he worked as journalist for magazines such as Il Mondo and the newspaper La Repubblica. From 1983 to 1987, he was deputy to the Italian Parliament for the Italian Republican Party.

Alberto Arbasino Alberto Arbasino il pasticheur lombardo Il Sole 24 ORE

His work include novels and essays. Arbasino has been a member of the Gruppo 63.

Alberto Arbasino I ritratti di italiani speciali secondo Arbasino

He describes himself as an expressionist writer and considers his novel Super Eliogabalo ("Super Elagabalus", 1969) as his most surreal and most expressionist book. He now edits and rewrites his various works, which are reprinted in updated versions.

In the 1970s he was the host of the TV debate show Match. In December 1977 it hosted a famous debate between directors Mario Monicelli and (the emerging) Nanni Moretti. Moretti said that Monicelli's An Average Little Man was a reactionary film.

In 2004 he won the Premio Chiara for his career.


  • Le piccole vacanze, Einaudi, 1957 (first edition)
  • Le piccole vacanze, Einaudi, 1971, (ISBN 88-06-31658-3) (second edition)
  • Le piccole vacanze, Adelphi, 2007, (ISBN 978-88-459-2182-7) (third edition)
  • L'Anonimo lombardo, 1959, Einaudi (ISBN 88-06-37002-2)
  • Fratelli d'Italia, 1963, 1967, 1976, Einaudi (ISBN 88-06-25106-6)
  • Certi romanzi, 1964
  • Super Eliogabalo, 1969, 1978, Einaudi (ISBN 88-06-10603-1)
  • Certi romanzi – La Belle Epoque per le scuole, 1977, Einaudi (ISBN 88-06-09563-3)
  • La narcisata, 1975, Einaudi (ISBN 88-06-42234-0)
  • Il principe costante, 2 ed., 1972, Einaudi (ISBN 88-06-34892-2)
  • La bella di Lodi, 1972, Einaudi (ISBN 88-06-33183-3)
  • In questo Stato, 1978, Garzanti Libri (ISBN 88-11-73946-2)
  • Un paese senza, 1980, Garzanti Libri
  • Trans – Pacific Express, 1981, Garzanti Libri (ISBN 88-11-59908-3)
  • Matine, 1983, Garzanti Libri (ISBN 88-11-59907-5)
  • Il meraviglioso, anzi, 1985, Garzanti Libri (ISBN 88-11-59921-0)
  • La caduta dei tiranni, 1990, Sellerio di Giorgianni (ISBN 88-389-0642-4)
  • Un paese senza, 2 ed., 1990, Garzanti Libri (ISBN 88-11-67405-0)
  • Fratelli d'Italia, réédition de 1993, Adelphi (ISBN 88-459-1000-8)
  • Mekong, 1994, Adelphi (ISBN 88-459-1081-4)
  • Specchio delle mie brame, 1995, Adelphi (ISBN 88-459-1127-6)
  • Parigi o cara, 2 ed., 1996, Adelphi (ISBN 88-459-1177-2)
  • Lettere da Londra, 1997, Adelphi (ISBN 88-459-1278-7)
  • Passeggiando tra i draghi addormentati, 1997, Adelphi
  • Paesaggi italiani con zombi, 1998, Adelphi (ISBN 88-459-1404-6)
  • Le muse a Los Angeles, 2000, Adelphi
  • Rap!, 2001, Feltrinelli
  • Dall'Ellade a Bisanzio, 2006, Adelphi
  • La Vita bassa, 2009, Adelphi
  • References

    Alberto Arbasino Wikipedia

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