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Agnes Callamard

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Agnes Callamard

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Monitoring and investigating political killings, Ukweli

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Agnès S. Callamard is the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). She is also the Director of Columbia University's Global Freedom of Expression project.


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Early life and education

Agnes Callamard Callamard I am here on academic visit Headlines News The

In 1985, Callamard received her undergraduate degree from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Grenoble. Callamard has a master's degree from Howard University in International / African Studies. In 1995, she received a PhD in Political Science from the New School for Social Research in New York.


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Callamard is considered an expert on a number of international and UN human rights initiatives and has conducted human rights investigations in a number of countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. She has published in the field of human rights, women’s rights, refugee movements and accountability. Callamard has worked extensively in the field of international refugee movements with the Center for Refugee Studies in Toronto.

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In May 2017, Callamard attended a conference in the Philippines, which led to her Wikipedia page being vandalized. Callamard stated that the visit was not in an official capacity.

Amnesty International

Agnes Callamard UN expert Agnes Callamard on Kian Make his death the last

From 1998 to 2001, Callamard served as Chef de Cabinet for the Secretary General of Amnesty International, and as the organisation’s Research Policy Coordinator, she led Amnesty’s work on women’s human rights. Callamard has conducted human rights investigations in a large number of countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

HAP International

In 2001, Callamard founded and led HAP International (the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership) where she oversaw field trials in Afghanistan, Cambodia and Sierra Leone and created the first international self-regulatory body for humanitarian agencies committed to strengthening accountability to disaster-affected populations. She was in this position until 2004.

Article 19

From 2004 to 2013, Callamard served as Executive Director of Article 19, a human rights organization.


As of November 2013, Callamard is Director of Columbia University's Global Freedom of Expression Project.

United Nations

Callamard is the UN Special Rapporteur on summary executions.

Works and publications

  • Callamard, Agnes (18 March 2009). "Protect the believers, not the belief". The Guardian. 
  • Callamard, Agnès; Amnesty International Dutch Section; Codesria (2000). Monitoring and Investigating Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, and Prison Conditions (PDF). Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa. ISBN 978-2-869-78088-0. OCLC 47863459. 
  • Callamard, Agnes (12 August 2015). "Comity for Internet? Recent Court Decisions on the Right to be De-indexed". The National Law Review. 
  • Callamard, Agnes (23 March 2017). "Are courts re-inventing Internet regulation?". International Review of Law, Computers & Technology: 1–17. doi:10.1080/13600869.2017.1304603. 
  • References

    Agnes Callamard Wikipedia

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