Neha Patil (Editor)

32nd United States Congress

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Senate President

Senate Majority

House Speaker
Linn Boyd (D)

House Majority

32nd United States Congress

Senate Pres. pro tem
William R. King (D) David R. Atchison (D)

62 Senators 233 Representatives 4 Non-voting members

The Thirty-second United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from March 4, 1851 to March 4, 1853, during the third and fourth years of Millard Fillmore's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Sixth Census of the United States in 1840. Both chambers had a Democratic majority.


Major events

  • March 20, 1852: Uncle Tom's Cabin published
  • July 1, 1852: Henry Clay was the first to lie in state in the United States Capitol rotunda
  • November 2, 1852: U.S. presidential election, 1852: Democrat Franklin Pierce defeated Whig Winfield Scott
  • Major legislation

  • [Data unknown/missing. You can help!]
  • Territories organized

  • March 2, 1853: Washington Territory was formed from Oregon Territory.
  • Senate

  • President: Vacant (since the ascension of Millard Fillmore to U.S. President on July 9, 1850)
  • President pro tempore: William R. King (D), until December 20, 1852
  • David R. Atchison (D), from December 20, 1852
  • House of Representatives

  • Speaker: Linn Boyd (D)
  • Members

    This list is arranged by chamber, then by state. Senators are listed in order of seniority, and Representatives are listed by district.


    Senators were elected by the state legislatures every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress. Preceding the names in the list below are Senate class numbers, which indicate the cycle of their election. In this Congress, Class 1 meant their term began with this Congress, requiring reelection in 1856; Class 2 meant their term ended with this Congress, requiring reelection in 1852; and Class 3 meant their term began in the last Congress, requiring reelection in 1854.

    Skip to House of Representatives, below

    House of Representatives

    The names of members of the House of Representatives are preceded by their district numbers.

    Changes in membership

    The count below reflects changes from the beginning of the first session of this Congress.


  • replacements: 8
  • Democrats (D): 1 seat net gain
  • Whigs (W): 1 seat net loss
  • deaths: 3
  • resignations: 6
  • interim appointments: 3
  • Total seats with changes: 13
  • House of Representatives

  • replacements: 6
  • Democrats (D): 1 seat net loss
  • Whigs (W): 1 seat net gain
  • deaths: 2
  • resignations: 5
  • Total seats with changes: 7
  • Committees

    Lists of committees and their party leaders.


  • Agriculture
  • Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate
  • Claims
  • Commerce
  • Contested Election of 1850
  • Distributing Public Revenue Among the States (Select)
  • District of Columbia
  • Emigrant Route and Telegraphic Line to California (Select)
  • Ether Discovery (Select)
  • Finance
  • Foreign Relations
  • French Spoilations (Select)
  • Indian Affairs
  • Judiciary
  • Manufactures
  • Mexican Boundary (Select)
  • Mexican Boundary Commission (Select)
  • Mexican Claims Commission (Select)
  • Military Affairs
  • Militia
  • Naval Affairs
  • Ordnance and War Ships (Select)
  • Patents and the Patent Office
  • Pensions
  • Post Office and Post Roads
  • Printing
  • Private Land Claims
  • Public Buildings and Grounds
  • Public Lands
  • Purchase of Catlin's Collection of Indian Scenes (Select)
  • Retrenchment
  • Revolutionary Claims
  • Roads and Canals
  • Tariff Regulation (Select)
  • Territories
  • Seventh Census (Select)
  • Whole
  • House of Representatives

  • Accounts
  • Agriculture
  • Bounty Land Act of 1850 (Select)
  • Claims
  • Commerce
  • District of Columbia
  • Elections
  • Engraving
  • Expenditures in the Navy Department
  • Expenditures in the Post Office Department
  • Expenditures in the State Department
  • Expenditures in the Treasury Department
  • Expenditures in the War Department
  • Expenditures on Public Buildings
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Indian Affairs
  • Invalid Pensions
  • Manufactures
  • Mileage
  • Military Affairs
  • Militia
  • Naval Affairs
  • Patents
  • Post Office and Post Roads
  • Public Buildings and Grounds
  • Public Expenditures
  • Public Lands
  • Revisal and Unfinished Business
  • Revolutionary Claims
  • Roads and Canals
  • Rules
  • Standards of Official Conduct
  • Territories
  • Ways and Means
  • Whole
  • Joint committees

  • Enrolled Bills
  • Employees

  • Architect of the Capitol: Thomas U. Walter, appointed June 11, 1851
  • Librarian of Congress: John Silva Meehan
  • Senate

  • Chaplain: Clement M. Butler (Episcopalian)
  • Secretary: Asbury Dickens elected December 12, 1836
  • Sergeant at Arms: Robert Beale, elected December 9, 1845
  • House of Representatives

  • Chaplain: Littleton F. Morgan (Methodist), elected December 1, 1851
  • James Gallagher (Presbyterian), elected December 6, 1852
  • Clerk: John W. Forney
  • Doorkeeper: Zadock W. McKnew
  • Sergeant at Arms: Adam J. Glossbrenner
  • Postmaster: John M. Johnson
  • References

    32nd United States Congress Wikipedia

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