Discovered by K. Reinmuth MPC designation 1026 Ingrid Orbital period 1,234 days Orbits Sun | Discovery date 13 August 1923 Minor planet category main-belt Discovered 13 August 1923 Discoverer Karl Wilhelm Reinmuth | |
Named after Ingrid, niece of astronomer Albrecht Kahrstedt Alternative names 1923 NY · 1957 UC1963 GD · 1981 WL81986 CG2 · 1986 ES2 Discovery site Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl Similar 1056 Azalea, 1002 Olbersia, 1111 Reinmuthia, Asteroid belt, 1001 Gaussia |
1026 Ingrid is an asteroid from the asteroid belt that was discovered by German astronomer Karl Reinmuth at Heidelberg Observatory on 13 August 1923 and given the provisional designation 1923 NY. It was named after Ingrid, niece of astronomer Albrecht Kahrstedt.
This asteroid was lost after its initial discovery (a lost asteroid) and was reidentified in 1986 by Syuichi Nakano. It is believed to have a rotation period of about 5.3 hours.
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