Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Ælla of Northumbria

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AElla Northumbria

AElla of Northumbria

Ælla of Northumbria

Ælla (or Ælle) (fl. 866; d. 21 March 867) was King of Northumbria, England in the middle of the 9th century. Sources on Northumbrian history in this period are limited, ancestry is not known and the dating of the beginning of Ælla's reign is questionable.


Ælla of Northumbria Ivar the Boneless and the Great Heathen Army

In addition to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Ælla is also mentioned in Scandinavian sources, such as the Norse sagas. According to the latter, Ælla captured the semi-legendary Swedish-Danish Viking leader Ragnar Lodbrok, whom Ælla put to death in a pit of snakes. The historical invasion of Northumbria in 866 occurred in retaliation for Ragnar's execution, according to Ragnarssona þáttr ("The Tale of Ragnar's Sons"). While Norse sources claim that Ragnar's sons tortured Ælla to death with a blood eagle, Anglo-Saxon accounts maintain that he died in battle, at York, on 21 March 867.

Polyphony at the Court of the Saxon King Ælla of Northumbria (c.850)

Anglo-Saxon accounts

Ælla of Northumbria Who is the lle is King lla

Ælla became king after Osberht (Osbryht) was deposed. This is traditionally dated to 862 or 863 but evidence about Northumbrian royal chronology is not decisive about dates prior to 867 and it may have been as late as 866. Almost nothing is known of Ælla's reign; Symeon of Durham states that Ælla had seized lands at Billingham, Ileclif, Wigeclif and Crece, which belonged to the church. While Ælla is described in most sources as a tyrant and not a rightful king, one source states that he was Osberht's brother.

Ælla of Northumbria Aella Death Videos by Stagevucom

The Great Heathen Army, composed mostly of Danish Vikings, landed in Northumbria in mid-866 and had captured York by 21 November.

Ælla of Northumbria Historical Figure Profile King Osbert and King Aelle of Northumbria

Subsequent events are described by historians such as Symeon of Durham, Asser and Æthelweard in accounts that vary only in detail. According to the Historia Regum Anglorum, following the invasion of the Danes, the previous "dissension" between Osberht and Ælla "was allayed by divine counsel" and other Northumbrian nobles. Osberht and Ælla "having united their forces and formed an army, came to the city of York" on 21 March 867. A majority of the "shipmen" (Vikings) gave the impression of fleeing from the approaching Northumbrians. "The Christians, perceiving their flight and terror", attacked, but found that the Vikings "were the stronger party". Surrounded, the Northumbrians "fought upon each side with much ferocity" until both Osberht and Ælla were killed. The surviving Northumbrians "made peace with the Danes".

After this, the Vikings appointed a puppet king of Northumbria, named Ecgberht. According to an Anglo-Norman genealogy, Ælla had a daughter named Æthelthryth and through her was the grandfather of Eadwulf of Bamburgh, "King of the Northern English" who died in 913.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle does not name the Viking leaders, but it does state that "Hingwar and Hubba" (probably Ivar and Ubba) later killed King Edmund of East Anglia. Ubba was also named as a leader of the army in Northumbria by Abbo of Fleury and by the Historia de Sancto Cuthberto. Symeon of Durham lists the leaders of the Viking army as "Halfdene [Halfdann], Inguar [Ingvar], Hubba, Beicsecg, Guthrun, Oscytell [Ketill], Amund, Sidroc and another duke of the same name, Osbern, Frana and Harold."

Ælla was played by Frank Thring in the film The Vikings (1958).

A character broadly based on Ælla is played by Ivan Kaye in the History Channel's drama series Vikings (2013).

In The Last Kingdom, a historical novel by Bernard Cornwell, Ælla appears very briefly as a minor character at the beginning of the book. He, along with Osberht and Uhtred, a fictional Ealdorman of Bernicia, lead a Northumbrian army to repel invading Danes at York. The battle ends disastrously for the Northumbrians, and Ælla dies on the field.


Ælla of Northumbria Wikipedia

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