Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)


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Zingiberene httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Zingiberene is a monocyclic sesquiterpene that is the predominant constituent of the oil of ginger (Zingiber officinale), from which it gets its name. It can contribute up to 30% of the essential oils in ginger rhizomes. This is the compound that gives ginger its distinct flavoring.

Zingiberene Zingiberene Wikipedia


Zingiberene Showing Compound Zingiberene FDB015017 FooDB

Zingiberene is formed in the isoprenoid pathway from farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP). FPP undergoes a rearrangement to give nerolidyl diphosphate. After the removal of pyrophosphate, the ring closes leaving a carbocation on the tertiary carbon attached to the ring. A 1,3-hydride shift then takes place to give a more stable allylic carbocation. The final step in the formation of zingiberene is the removal of the cyclic allylic proton and consequent formation of a double bond. Zingiberene synthase is the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the reaction forming zingiberene as well as other mono- and sesquiterpenes.

Zingiberene zingiberene biosynthesis

Zingiberene Zingiberene C15H24 ChemSpider

Zingiberene 495603 zingiberene CAS No 495603 zingiberene

Zingiberene Zingiberene Chemical compounds

Zingiberene alphazingiberene

Zingiberene WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants Volume 1 Rhizoma


Zingiberene Wikipedia

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