Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Zainuddin Makhdoom II

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Zainuddin 2

Other names
Chalilakath Kunahmed Haji

938 Hijri
Jombal, Mahe, Kerala, India.

Known for
Islamic jurisprudent, author of Fathul Mueen and Tufathul Mujahedeen


Sheikh Ahmed Zainudeen bin Sheikh Muhammed Gazzali (Arabic:شيخ احمد زين الدين بن شيخ محمد غزالي , Malayalam: ശൈഖ് അഹ്മദ് സൈനുദ്ദീന് ബിന് ശൈഖ് മുഹമ്മദ് ഗസ്സാലി അല് മഅ്ബരി) grandson of Seikh Zainudin Makhdoom Kabeer, was the writer, orator, historian, jurisprudent and spiritual leader and widely known as Zainudeen Makhdoom 2nd or Zaniudeen Makhdoom Al Sageer (زين الدين الصغير). He inherited the legacy of his grandfather and was installed as the chief Quazi ( chief judge) in Ponnani locality as well as appointed as the chief Mudarris ( the main mentor in Darse- masjid based Arabic college) in the historic Ponnani Darse


Early life

He was born to the Makdoom family in the early months of Hijra 938 at Jombal, near Mahe, and was blessed with spiritual background under supervision of his grandfather. He completed his primary education under his father Muhammed Gazzali and his uncle Abdul Azeez Bin Sheikh Makhdoom Al Avval ( عبد العزيز بن شيخ مخدوم الآول) and left to Makah for further education. He performed Haj and settled there for ten years imbibing the Islamic knowledge from the exponents of Islamic laws and other branches of knowledge. He accepted the guidance of famous scholar such as Al Hafiz Shihabuddeen bin Al Hajr Al Haithemi (الحافظ شهاب الدين بن الحجر الهيتمي), grand Mufti of Haramain(chief Jurisprudent of Makah and Madeena) and commentator in Hadeeth and Fiqh, Izzuddeen bin Abdul Azeez al Zamzami (عز الدين بن عبد العزيز الزمزمي), Shiekh Abdul Rahman bin Ziyad (شيخ عبد الرحمن بن زياد) and Sayyid Abdul Rahman Al Safwi (سيد عبد الرحمن الصفوي). He gained the Tassavvuf ( Spiritual knowledge) from Kutub Zaban Zain Ul Arifeen Muhammed Bin Sheikh Ul Arif Abu Hasan Al Bakri (قطب الزمان زين العارفين محمد بن شيخ العارف ابو حسن البكري) was honored with eleven Khirkath (خرقة), symbol of grade in Tareeqath, within short period was hailed as the Sheikh of Qadriya Tareeqath.

In the field of service

After the decade long stay in Makah, he returned to Kerala and take over the charge of chief Mufti in the grand Masjid of Ponnani and occupied the position for the thirty six years. Historian recorded that his mentor Ibn Hajar Hithami had come to Ponnani and stayed there for short period.

As the freedom fighter

He was not restrained to be cleric only, but he made many significant intervention in the political arena and kept a warm relation to the major political figure in that period. He lived during the regime of Akbar, Mugal Empire and was good relationship with Sulthan Ali Adil Sha, Sulthan of Beejapur as well as Zamorine of Calicut. He was strident advocate of freedom struggles against imperialist power Portugal and motivated the youth to take part in the special army of Zamorin to defend their advancement. In his master piece Tufathul Mujahideen Fi Akhbar ul Burthugalin, he narrated the brutality of Portuguese on the Malabar soil with special reference on the anti-Muslim stance. He used to inject the mentality of Muslim youth the necessity of holy war and inevitability of military action against Portuguese. In the afore mentioned text, he motivated them by exuding the endless promise of Almighty for those wage war against them and boosted their morale by leading their mind to the sweet memories of the golden period of Islam.

His oeuvres

He was known for his unique command in writing in variety of subjects which includes Jurisprudence, history, spirituality as well as other subject which were distinct from other writers. The following table gives an outlook of his works:



He died of natural cause in 1583and was laid for rest in Kunji Palli. His tomb locates in his native village of Chombal under a tree.


Zainuddin Makhdoom II Wikipedia

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