Neha Patil (Editor)

Yeti (development company)

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Type of site
Application Development

Tony Scherba & Rudy Mutter

Inspired by the human spirit of invention

Inspired by the human spirit of invention

Yeti is a strategy, design and application development firm based in San Francisco, CA.


Beginnings and early history

Yeti was founded by Anthony “Tony” Scherba and Rudy Mutter in 2010. The two cofounders met while attending Northeastern University, where they both double majored in computer science and business. Rudy and Tony individually started developing websites when they were teens, sites such as As their undergraduate studies were coming to a close, Tony called Rudy and proposed they start a company. A week after school ended, they were on their way to visit their first client.

Present Day

Yeti’s office is now located in a SOMA warehouse converted into a photostudio, then converted into a software invention workshop. They have worked with large tech firms in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley, and have innovated software and hardware products alike.

Yeti is also active in the San Francisco development community. Cofounder Rudy Mutter organizes the San Francisco Django meet-up. He also teaches a public course on Django, a framework for web applications.

Development Process

Yeti builds clients’ app ideas via product design, research and development, and a business-minded delivery analysis. Yeti’s work on product design entails workshops, user testing, branding, roadmaps and web/app design. The research and development phase may consist of rapid prototyping, iOS and android testing, robotics, Bluetooth and virtual reality applications. Yeti creates custom delivery for clients utilizing open sourcing, Agile development, beta testing, launch support and scaling.


Yeti has worked with larger brands like MIT, Google, Qualcomm, WikiHow, San Francisco State University, Hershey’s and Fenwick & West.

Yeti has also worked with several successful startups, including Tape, Encompass, Grubstreet, and Weathermob.


Yeti (development company) Wikipedia

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