Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers

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Date of formation
before 1330

Order of precedence

Company association
Beeswax products

Truth is the Light

Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers

Wax Chandlers' Hall, Gresham Street, London

Master of company
Peter Tompkins (2016-17)

The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers is one of the oldest livery companies of the City of London, with one of the smallest memberships (about 120 members).


The Wax Chandlers' Company, ranked 20th in the City Livery Company order of precedence, has an association with the Church of St Vedast alias Foster in nearby Foster Lane.


Established before 1330 (when it was recorded as being invited to contribute funds to King Edward III), the company received further Byelaws and Ordinances from Lord Mayor John Stodeye in 1358. New Ordinances were issued in 1371 and the company was granted a Royal Charter in 1484 – one of only three known Royal Charters of King Richard III, the others being for the College of Arms and for the incorporation as a county borough of the city of Gloucester. The Company remains governed under its 1663 Royal Charter of King Charles II and corresponding Ordinances of 1664.

Wax chandlers (or merchants in beeswax products) traded separately from Tallow Chandlers; beeswax candles, being expensive, were usually reserved for churches and the households of royalty and nobility, while tallow candles were generally used in ordinary homes.

The Company today

As with many City Livery Companies today, the Wax Chandlers' Company no longer operates primarily as a trade association. Its role has evolved into being a ceremonial, networking, educational and charitable institution. Like other livery companies, it takes an active role in supporting the corporate governance of the City of London and the Lord Mayor. The Company's current 'theme' is sustainability, which it actively supports and promotes through, for example, a lecture series.

Examples of its charitable giving are its affiliation with Armed Forces units (HMS Protector and 5 Rifles), the donation of candles to St Paul's Cathedral (every Holy Cross Day in September), support to those in need throughout the City and Greater London (particularly in the London Borough of Bexley), patronage of the National Honey Show and the British Beekeeping Association.

Wax Chandlers' Hall

The Company has maintained a Hall on the same site (6 Gresham Street, London) since 1501. The Wax Chandlers' current premises, their sixth, were substantially rebuilt in 1954 after damage during World War II. Recently refurbished, the Hall is popular for hire on corporate or social occasions. Tenants at Wax Chandlers' Hall include the Engineers' Company. Wax Chandlers' Hall can be viewed by the general public during the annual London Open House Weekend or by prior arrangement.


The Wax Chandlers' membership comprises Liverymen and Freemen (who initially join the Company by servitude, by patrimony, or by redemption).
The Company is governed by the Master Wax Chandler, Wardens (Upper Warden and Renter Warden) and a Court of Assistants. Election Court each June determines appointments to senior office, with ceremonial installation following on the first Thursday in August.
The Company is administered by the Clerk and day-to-day management of the Hall is overseen by the Beadle.

The Company's current membership includes:

  • HM King Michael of Romania GCVO
  • Rt Rev & Rt Hon The Lord Williams of Oystermouth (Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, former Archbishop of Canterbury)
  • Alderman Dame Fiona Woolf DBE (686th Lord Mayor of London, former President of the Law Society of England and Wales)
  • Arms

    The Company received a Grant of Arms from Sir Thomas Holme, Clarenceux King of Arms, on 3 February 1485, the year following the College of Arms' foundation; the Charter of foundation of the College of Arms and that incorporating the city of Gloucester are the only known Charters of Richard III other than that which established the Wax Chandlers' Company.
    The Company armorial bearings are blazoned:

  • Shield: Azure on a Chevron Argent three Roses Gules seeded Or between three Mortars royal Or. (A mortar is a type of candle-holder, similar to the mortar of a pestle-and-mortar; a mortar royal is particularly splendid.)
  • Crest: On a wreath Or and Gules a Maiden vested in a Surcoat of Cloth of Or furred with Ermine, kneeling among divers Flowers Proper and making thereof a Garland.
  • Mantling: Azure doubled Ermine.
  • Supporters (granted in 1530): On either side a Unicorn Argent gorged with a Garland of various Flowers Proper, the Horn wreathed Or and Gules.
  • References

    Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers Wikipedia

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