Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Walter Alexander del Nogal

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Walter del

Walter Alexander del Nogal, better known as Alex del Nogal. Is a 39-year-old Venezuelan businessman, who recently was wanted by the justice in Palermo, Italy, accused of international drug trafficking. Arrested on 14 September 2007 in Palermo for alleged drug trafficking and money-laundering.



He has been already in prison for drug-trafficking and laundering money in Switzerland, from where he escaped. According to the records of Florida, Del Nogal partnered with Venezuelan banker John Santaella and founded the firm Magna International, created in 1989 and declared bankrupt a year later, the former director of the firm was Daniel Diaz Granados, a prosperous businessman and close to the Chavez Government Banks.Under the name of Walter Nogal, founded the firm Renpino Trading, where it appears as Director Evenia Rengifo, a known clairvoyant of the Venezuelan military and political world.In the same company is listed as director Daniel Diazgranados, a prosperous businessman and close to the Chavez Government Banks.

Walter Alexander del Nogal httpssinchavezfileswordpresscom201005reyh


Courts dismissed charges of terrorism, for his alleged involvement in a series of bombs exploded in Caracas in 1993, during the second Government of President Carlos Andres Perez, apparently with the aim of creating a stock chaos that would encourage the accomplices of the attacks.

Walter Alexander del Nogal was in prison for drug trafficking and laundering money in Switzerland, from where he escaped because it did not support the silence of the prison.

In his youth the judicial technical police of Venezuela (PTJ) and the Intelligence Directorate of the police (DISIP) investigated it for theft of cars taken from Florida, a crime for which his father, William del Nogal, faces charges in federal court in Miami.

Relationships with the management of the prison were not always good. The former warden, Irving Betancourt, told the newspaper that Del Nogal stated that he "removed and put wardens when I would".

Before fall prisoner, Del Nogal, who left half right, career was considered as a capable young very good for fast business. In Miami were traces of some of his multiple forays in this area.

Mario Patti Assassination

Shortly after the bombings, Walter Alexander del Nogal was imprisoned for the assassination of Mario Patti Fajardo for 22 years. He was imprisoned in Yare prison, the same jail where Hugo Chavez spend his imprisonment for the 1992 coup d'etat attempt against constitutional president Carlos Andres Perez.

In January 2000, Nogal was surprisingly granted with parole and upon release from jail praised the high level and quality of justice of the president Hugo Chavez government.

After a difficult battle against judges who opposed his release from the jail, Del Nogal was released from prison under the regime of parole for good behavior in January 2000. Their first thanks were for Chavez.

"From that became President Chavez is doing justice in Venezuela, rights being respected and equal is giving all people said former prisoner.

Hugo Chavez Government and Del Nogal

Del Nogal then began a vertiginous career combined policy and business in the middle of a hectic social life on the premises of his brother William, a known businessman gastronomic owns one of the best restaurants in Caracas Eastern food. William is the owner of the Japanese Yamato Sushi Bar restaurant chain and also had a restaurant in Miami.

According to one source consulted by El Nuevo Herald, Del Nogal was a promoter active fund-raising campaign Juan Barreto by the City Mayor of Caracas, member of the Hugo Chavez Socialist Party of Venezuela PSUV.

In the middle of this feverish race, Del Nogal fell prisoner in Italy to arrive on a flight from Spain. In 2001, confessed drug dealer Ferid Farid Dominguez mentioned Del Nogal in an interview with El Nuevo Herald as a suspected link of Colombian drug traffickers with the Venezuelan Government officials. Versions of the newspaper La Nacion of Buenos Aires indicate that Del Nogal traveled to Argentina at least five times between 2003 and 2005 "When coincidentally had elections, ministerial parts or multilateral summits in Argentina".

Details of his arrest are a few and there was confusion in their identification, but it was eventually confirmed that it was he whom the Italian justice was looking for.

The Argentinian Connection

The Argentine Government confirmed Walter Alexander del Nogal entered several times in the country, but when did not order capture by Interpol, reported the Buenos Aires newspaper La Nacion. However, The former Minister of communications of Venezuela, William Lara, noted that "there and there is no relationship between Del Nogal and the team led by Commander Chavez campaign the year 2006".

Capture of Del Nogal revived drowsy scandal of the Venezuelan businessman Guido Alejandro Antonini Wilson, accused of smuggling in Argentina by the attempt to introduce the country a pouch with $ 800,000 undeclared on August 4, coming in a PDVSA private flight from Caracas.

According to the newspaper La Nacion of Buenos Aires versions, Del Nogal traveled to Argentina at least five times between 2003 and 2005 always "notable match with elections, ministerial parts or multilateral summits in Argentina"

"There was or there is relationship between Del Nogal and the team led by Commander Chavez campaign the year 2006." "Not now, the truth will be distorted with a journalistic remake or another trick", strongly expressed the Minister for the communication and information, William Lara.


Walter Alexander del Nogal Wikipedia

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