Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Vivian Bullwinkel

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Years of service

Battles and wars
World War II

Second World War

Lieutenant colonel

Vivian Bullwinkel



John Bullwinkel

Vivian Bullwinkel Angell Productions Vivian BullwinkelStatham

18 December 1915Kapunda, South Australia (

Officer of the Order of AustraliaMember of the Order of the British EmpireAssociate of the Royal Red CrossEfficiency DecorationFlorence Nightingale Medal

July 3, 2000, Perth, Australia

Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps

Nurses in history the story of vivian bullwinkel

Lieutenant-Colonel Vivian Bullwinkel, AO, MBE, ARRC, ED, FNM (18 December 1915 – 3 July 2000) was an Australian Army nurse during the Second World War. She was the sole survivor of the Bangka Island Massacre, when the Japanese killed 21 of her fellow nurses on Radji Beach, Bangka Island (Indonesia) on 16 February 1942.


Vivian Bullwinkel Research Brief Issue 6 SpringSummer 2000 Monash

Abc documentary vivian bullwinkel an australian pow ww2 heroine dvd trailer

Early life

Vivian Bullwinkel httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommons44

Vivian Bullwinkel was born on 18 December 1915 in Kapunda, South Australia, to George Francis and Eva Bullwinkel (née Shegog). She had a brother, John. She trained as a nurse and midwife at Broken Hill, New South Wales, and began her nursing career in Hamilton, Victoria, before moving to the Jessie McPherson Hospital in Melbourne.

World War II

Vivian Bullwinkel Guide to the papers of Vivian Bullwinkel The Australian War Memorial

In 1941, wanting to enlist, Bullwinkel volunteered as a nurse with the Royal Australian Air Force but was rejected for having flat feet. She was, however, able to join the Australian Army Nursing Service; assigned to the 2/13th Australian General Hospital (2/13th AGH), in September 1941 she sailed for Singapore. After a few weeks with the 2/10th AGH, Bullwinkel rejoined the 13th AGH in Johor Baharu.

Vivian Bullwinkel The incredible story of Vivian Bullwinkel SA World War II nurse and

Japanese troops invaded Malaya in December 1941 and began to advance southwards, winning a series of victories. By late January 1942 they were advancing through Johore and the 13th AGH was to evacuate to Singapore. A short-lived defence of the island ended in defeat, and, on 12 February, Bullwinkel and 65 other nurses boarded the SS Vyner Brooke to escape.

Vivian Bullwinkel Lieutenant Colonel Vivian Bullwinkel The Australian War Memorial

Two days later, the ship was sunk by Japanese aircraft. Bullwinkel, 21 other nurses and a large group of men, women, and children made it ashore at Radji Beach on Banka Island. Others on board either went down with the ship or were swept away and never seen again. The group were joined the next day by others making a total of about 100 including about twenty English soldiers from another ship sunk earlier. They elected to surrender to the Japanese. An officer from the Vyner Brooke walked to Muntok, a town on the north-west of the island, to contact the Japanese. While he was away Matron Irene Drummond, the most senior of the Australian nurses, suggested that the civilian women and children should start off walking towards Muntok.

Vivian Bullwinkel Bangka Island Massacre Sacrifice of Australian nurses like Vivian

In an action that later became known as the Banka Island Massacre, Japanese soldiers came and killed the men, then motioned the nurses to wade into the sea. They then machine-gunned the nurses from behind. Bullwinkel was struck by a bullet which passed completely through her body, missing her internal organs, and feigned death until the Japanese soldiers left. She hid with British Army Private Cecil George Kingsley of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps for 12 days, tending to his severe wounds, only then realizing the extent of her own wound, before being captured. They were taken into captivity, but Kingsley died soon after from his injuries, which included a gunshot wound in his abdomen.

Vivian Bullwinkel HBullwinklePOW

Bullwinkel was reunited with survivors of the Vyner Brooke. She told them of the massacre, but none spoke of it again until after the war lest it put Bullwinkel, as witness to the massacre, in danger. Bullwinkel spent three and half years in captivity, together with Betty Jeffrey, Wilma Oram and Margaret Dryburgh. Another surviving nurse was Pat Darling, who died in 2007.

Later life

Vivian Bullwinkel Vivian Bullwinkel Bangka Island massacre survivor Her story 75

Vivian retired from the army in 1947 and became Director of Nursing at the Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital. Also in 1947 she gave evidence of the massacre at a war crimes trial in Tokyo. She devoted herself to the nursing profession and to honouring those killed on Bangka Island, raising funds for a nurses' memorial and serving on numerous committees, including a period as a member of the Council of the Australian War Memorial, and later president of the Australian College of Nursing.

Bullwinkel married Colonel Francis West Statham in September 1977, changing her name to Vivian Statham. She returned to Bangka Island in 1992 to unveil a shrine to the nurses who had not survived the war. She died of a heart attack on 3 July 2000, aged 84, in Perth, Western Australia.


In 2001 Bullwinkel was inducted posthumously to the Victorian Honour Roll of Women.


The Vivian Bullwinkel Wing at Hollywood Private Hospital, Perth (the former Repatriation General Hospital, Hollywood) was renamed in her honour.

The Royal Australian Air Force Association runs the Vivian Bullwinkel Lodge aged care facility in the northern suburbs of Perth.

Monash University (Melbourne) and Eastern Health (Melbourne) have named the chair in palliative care nursing after her.

Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE redeveloped the old nurses quarters on its Fairfield campus in 2010 for residential student accommodation. A common room is named after Vivian Bullwinkel, who was the Director of Nursing for many years at the Fairfield Hospital.


Vivian Bullwinkel Wikipedia

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