Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Vito Di Bari

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Vito Bari

Vito Di Bari httpspbstwimgcomprofileimages3788000007897

Tedxsalford vito di bari innovation design

Vito Di Bari is an Innovation Trends Keynote Speaker and Designer. He is the Innovation Designer for Milan Candidate City Expo 2015 and has been UNESCO's Executive Director of the IMI and professor of design and management of innovation at Politecnico di Milano and Bocconi University in Milan, Italy.


Vito Di Bari Innovation designerquot o quotfuturologoquot Design with love

The art reef project vito di bari at tedxmarrakesh


Vito Di Bari Vito Di Bari The economic renaissance led by the Internet

Di Bari was born in Bari, Italy, and graduated cum laude from the University of Bari, Italy. In 1978, he moved to Milan where he taught at Politecnico di Milano, and at the Bocconi University. In 1999 was appointed UNESCO's Executive Director IMI, in 2004, Scientific Director of Innovation Laboratory LabNext in Milan and in 2006, Innovation Designer for Milan candidate City Expo 2015. In May 2007, he wrote "The Neofuturistic City Manifesto", a futuristic vision of arts, architecture and urbanism at the time of the Universal Expo 2015 referencing the United Nations’ report Our Common Future and included in the candidature of the city of Milan presented to BIE (Bureau of International Expositions). In 2009, Di Bari moved to United States to expand the work of his research and design including urban solutions for developers and the public sector, and he currently resides in Miami Beach, FL where he is CEO of Di Bari Innovation Design, LLC.

Academic career

Professor of Design and Management of Innovation at the Faculty of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Milan and the Bocconi University. Has chaired courses also at Faculty of Design of the Polytechnic University of Milan, Polytechnic University of Como, IULM University, and University of Sassari. He has been Director of the Masters in Marketing and Communication at the Business School of Sole24 and the Master of Marketing and Management of Communication held by UNIST at the University of Turin.


Vito Di Bari Vito Di Bari The Insight Bureau Speaker on Innovation and Creative

Book titles

Vito Di Bari Vito Di Bari China Speakers Agency The Leading China
  1. Industrializzazione e gestione della produzione multimediale (1998) - "Engineering and Management of Multimedia (1998)"
  2. ISBN 978-88-8363-001-9 Tecnologie di comunicazione per L’impresa (1999) – Communication Technologies for the Enterprise (1999)
  3. ISBN 978-88-8363-139-9 Management Multimediale (2000) – Multimedia Management (2000)
  4. Le parole della Net Economy (2001) – Key Words for the Net Economy (2001)
  5. ISBN 978-88-8363-079-8 Il Dizionario dell’Economia digitale (2002) – The Digital Economy Encyclopedia (2002)
  6. ISBN 978-88-8363-467-3 Strategie per la NeXt economy (2003) – Strategies for the NeXt Economy (2003)
  7. ISBN 978-88-8363-650-9 Weekend Nel Futuro (2005) – 2015, Weekend in the future (2005)
  8. ISBN 978-88-8363-792-6 Il futuro che gia c'è (2006) – The Future is Already Here (2006)
  9. ISBN 978-88-8363-880-0 Web 2.0 (2007)
  10. ISBN 978-88-6345-072-9 Corto Circuito (2009) – Short Circuit (2009)
  11. Il web oltre il web (2007) - "The Longer Tail, the Longest Tail (2007)"
  12. Social Killer (2010) - Multi-Platform Thriller Novel
  13. ISSN 1120-5083 Nessuno è come sembra - "None of us are who we appear to be on the outside (2013)"

Book 1 has been published by CUSL (University Cooperative Study Works), books 2-10 by the Italian Financial Newspaper Il Sole 24Ore, paper 11 by Harvard Business Review, book 12 by Vodafone and book 13 by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore.


  1. Il Sole 24 Ore
  2. Panorama
  3. Wired
  4. Harvard Business Review
  5. HIT Exchange Magazine

Keynote Speaker

Vito Di Bari Vito Di Bari A Journey into the Future of Marketing YouTube

Di Bari is the Keynote Speaker of 25-30 events every year. In the last few years, he has performed domestic and world tours (such as IBM CEO Tour - 8 stages, the BMW Drive 7 Tour - 11 stages and the Confindustria SAN Project - 7 stages), and spoken at the conventions and events of international companies/organizations, including: Vodafone, Microsoft, Oracle Corporation, IBM, Cisco, Telecom Italia, Interactive Advertising Bureau, IDC, Nissan, Hitachi,Tetra Pak, SAS Institute, University of Mississippi, TEDx, Miami Children's Hospital, Accenture, IT Forum Expo, Deloitte World Summit, Fujitsu World Tour, Freescale Technology Forum, Campus Party, Schneider Electric, Cisco Live!

TV host

In Diretta dal Futuro (Live From the Future), 52 episodes (Italia 1, Discovery Channel)


  • Executive director of UNESCO's IMI (International Multimedia Institute)
  • Innovation designer for Milan candidate City Expo 2015
  • Board member of the Accenture Foundation
  • Board member of "Distretti Industriali Italiani" (Italian Industrial Districts Association)
  • Editorial committee member of Harvard Business Review (Italian Edition)
  • Director of the Master in Marketing and Communication at the Sole 24ORE Business School
  • Director of the Master of Marketing and Management of Communication held by UNIST at the University of Turin.
  • Scientific director of Innovation Laboratory LabNext in Milan
  • Scientific director of ASCAI (the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association for the development of Corporate Communication)
  • References

    Vito Di Bari Wikipedia

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