Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Vito Bonsignore

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Vito Bonsignore


European People's Party

Vito Bonsignore Bonsignore e Cl nella tana di Lupi Lo spiffero quello

Intervista all uomo e al politico vito bonsignore

Vito Bonsignore (born 3 July 1943 in Bronte, Catania, Sicily) is an Italian politician and Member of the European Parliament for North-West with the Cristiani Democratici Uniti, part of the European People's Party and sits on the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control and its Committee on Budgets.


Vito Bonsignore Bonsignore riconquista l39Udc Lo spiffero quello che gli

He is also a vice-chair of the Delegation for relations with the United States and a substitute for the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.


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He has been convicted and sentenced to 2 years for attempted corruption in the construction of a hospital in Asti.

Vito Bonsignore wwwvitobonsignorenetindexphpsitegestimagesa

During Mani pulite (in Turin), he has been accused by Alberto Zamorani to have accepted more than 100 million of lire as under-secretary of the Budget (1992), hidden in a chocolate box. This assertion turned out to be groundless as it did not result in any actual charge or imputation.


Vito Bonsignore Vito Bonsignore Uno che riuscito a portare Andreotti in

  • Graduate in business studies
  • Technical Director and General Director of the Turin-Alessandria-Piacenza motorway company
  • Former member of the DC Central Directorate
  • Member of the National Executive of the UDC
  • Career

  • 1970-1980: Town councillor of Venaria Reale (TO)
  • 1987-1994: Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy
  • 1992-1993: Under-Secretary for the Budget
  • See also: European Parliament election, 2004 (Italy)


    Vito Bonsignore Wikipedia

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