Harman Patil (Editor)

Venus flytrap sea anemone

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Scientific name
Actinoscyphia aurelia

Higher classification

Sea anemone

Venus flytrap sea anemone Let39s do Some Zoology Venus flytrap sea anemone Actinoscyphia

Sea anemone, Atolla jellyfish, Marrus orthocanna, Alvinella pompejana, Atolla

Venus flytrap sea anemone

The Venus flytrap sea anemone (Actinoscyphia aurelia) is a large sea anemone that superficially resembles a Venus flytrap. It closes its tentacles to capture prey or to protect itself. It is a deep sea species.


Venus flytrap sea anemone The Venus flytrap sea anemone Actinoscyphia aurelia is a large sea


Venus flytrap sea anemone Come Sea This The Actinoscyphia aurelia commonly known as the

This sea anemone is found in muddy situations at bathyal depths in deep water canyons in the Gulf of Mexico. It has also been observed at several sites in the upwelling region off the coast of West Africa, but is uncommon elsewhere.


Venus flytrap sea anemone archiveserpentprojectcom17601thumbnailsmedi

Venus flytrap sea anemone is a passive suspension feeder, and orients itself on its often slender column so that it faces the upwelling current. Its pedal disc is small, and its tentacles are short compared to the large, concave oral disc, which is funnel or mushroom-shaped. It extends its tentacles in two rows, one reflexed back and one sloping forward, and collects food particles as they drift past. Although usually considered sessile, the Venus flytrap sea anemone sometimes moves, particularly as a juvenile.

Venus flytrap sea anemone Venus flytrap sea anemone Wikipedia

During deep water research off Cap Blanc, Mauritania, at depths between 1,000 and 2,000 metres (3,300 and 6,600 ft), the Venus flytrap sea anemone and the irregular sea urchin Pourtalesia miranda were found to dominate the benthic community.

Venus flytrap sea anemone NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer 2010 Highlights from Offshore Kona

In 2004 a mass mortality event occurred adjoining an oil pipeline off the Ivory Coast. Large numbers of the tunicate Pyrosoma atlanticum were involved, the moribund carcasses sinking to the seabed and accumulating in canyons and by the pipeline. Species of megafauna found feeding on the gelatinous detritus varied by depth. At a depth of 900 metres (3,000 ft) few fish were present, but Venus flytrap sea anemones were numerous. Other scavenging invertebrates at this depth included the sea anemone Actinostola sp., the sea pen Pennatula sp., the sea urchins Phormosoma sp., Mesothuria sp. and Ophiolepadidae, the penaeid shrimp Parapenaeus sp. and the sea spider Colossendeis sp.


Venus flytrap sea anemone Wikipedia

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