Neha Patil (Editor)

Vasudhara Falls

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Trek to vasudhara falls badrinath uttarakhand

Vasudhara Falls is a waterfall situated near Badrinath, in Uttarakhand, India. Total distance from Badrinath to Vasudhara is 9 km. The first 3 kilometers of badrinath to mana village is drivable road. Next 6 km is walkable trek from Mana village to Vasudhara waterfall. The log inheight of this waterfall is 400 ft(122 mt)


Map of Vasudhara Falls, Uttarakhand

Vasudhara falls mana badrinath uttarakhand 25 may 2015

Mana Village and Vasudhara Fall are usually accessible to tourists during the same season of year when Badrinath temple is open to general public (usually from 2nd week of May to October or November every year*). Badrinath, is accessible by motor vehicles from Rishikesh. Rishikesh is the nearest railway station in this region.

Trekking up to Vasudhara Fall, from Mana

Mana village is believed to be a temporary stay point of legendary Pandavas, during their exile. The foot trek starts from Mana village. After passing Saraswati Mandir, the trek becomes tough as walkway being very steep. Sometimes, Trekking feels like rolling over the stone pebbled path. The views of vasudhara river valley during this inclined trek are very scenic. The trekking from Mana to Vasudhara takes two hours.
There are no food or water utilities along the route, So please carry your own water bottle and light food snacks in a back-pack (pitthu bag). Sports shoes are advisable to wear during this tough stony mountain trek.

Vasudhara waterfall is a good sight, set in the background is a tall mountain cliff (145 m), from where the water fells. Having a bath under the falling water is very refreshing and adventurous. The nearby mountains are Chaukhamba, Nilkantha and Balakun etc. Satopanth glacier rolls down towards the bottom of Vasudhara.

Laxmi Van Forest and Satopanth Glacier

Laxmi van is in the way to Satopanth Tal or satopanth glacier from vasudhara. Camping utilities and cooking equipments are required to stay in this forest during night. Its better to consult trekking tour organizers, If you are planning to go that far.
Satopanth lake is 25 km away from badrinath.

Trekking time

To go up to Vasudhara Fall only - start your trek before Noon, so that you can return to Mana or Badrinath before sunset. If you are planning to trek ahead of vasudhara fall, which is Laxmi Van Forest(4 km ahead of Vasudhara), start trekking in morning.


Trekking route to vasudhara is stony with some grass and shrubs in the sides. At this height, even on a bright sunny day, weather is mildly cool and breezy too (during June to August). Sometime misty and foggy patch of cloud may appear in your way. A light jacket is advised for late evening hours.

Medicinal value of fall water

Researchers find that water from Alakananda River,(Vasudhara is part of Alakananda) is of medicinal value. After storing for 2 years, its medicinal properties are proved scientifically. Traditionally, this holy water is kept stored by Hindus at their homes. Hindus use this water for religious practices.


Vasudhara Falls Wikipedia

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