Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Vasant Dhar

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Vasant Dhar


Vasant Dhar
Alma mater
University of PittsburghIndian Institute of Technology Delhi

Data science, Information system, Machine learning, Big data

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Vasant Dhar is a professor at the Stern School of Business and the Center for Data Science at New York University. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Big Data, and the founder of SCT Capital Management, a machine-learning-based hedge fund in New York City. Dhar teaches for the Master of Science in Business Analytics Program for Executives (MSBA).


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Dhar is a data scientist whose research interests are in the design of autonomous data-driven learning and decision making systems where the central question is "when to trust robots with decisions and when not to?". His research in predictive analytics addresses this question in a number of areas, including the prediction of returns in financial markets, social media and healthcare, and networks. A central question underlying this research in finance is “when do computers make better decisions than humans?" which is addressed in the article "Should You Trust Your Money to a Robot?"

Vasant Dhar Vasant Dhar

He also teaches in the Digital Marketing MBA specialization at the Stern School of Business as well as the Master of Science in Business Analytics program.

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Life and work

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Dhar graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 1978 with a B.Tech in Chemical Engineering. He subsequently attended the University of Pittsburgh where he received an M. Phil and a Ph.D. in 1984. After he earned his doctorate, he joined the faculty at New York University. He worked at Morgan Stanley between 1994 and 1997 where he created the Data Mining Group that focused on predicting financial markets and customer behavior.

His research focuses on building scalable decision making systems from large sources of data using techniques and principles from the disciplines of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


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