Girish Mahajan (Editor)

University of the Ryukyus

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Public (National)

Hajime Oshiro


Acceptance rate
36.9% (2015)

+81 98-895-8012

May 22, 1950

Administrative staff


Total enrollment
8,222 (1 May 2015)

22 May 1950

University of the Ryukyus

Japan, 〒903-0213 Okinawa Prefecture, Nakagami District, 西原町Senbaru, 1番地

Undergraduate tuition and fees
International tuition: 535,800 JPY (2006)

Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning

Notable alumni
Teruo Higa, Shun Medoruma, Eiki Matayoshi, Koichi Taira, Tokushin Yamauchi

Okinawa International University, Meio University, Kagoshima University, Okinawa University, Shinshu University

University of the ryukyus going to class

The University of the Ryukyus (琉球大学, Ryūkyū Daigaku), abbreviated to Ryūdai (琉大), is a national university of Japan in Okinawa Prefecture. It is located in the Senbaru neighborhood of the town of Nishihara, with its campus bordering both the village of Nakagusuku and the city of Ginowan. It is the westernmost national university of Japan and the largest public university in Okinawa Prefecture.


Yurikamone line university of the ryukyus japan


Under the auspices of the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, the University of the Ryukyus was founded, as a territorial university, on the site of the historic Shuri Castle in Naha on May 22, 1950. It was established under the guidance of Michigan State University. It was placed under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands in 1966.

Ryūdai became a Japanese national university on May 15, 1972, upon Okinawa's return to Japan. The university moved to its current locations during 1975 and 1984, allowing for the restoration of the castle. The university was a state-run university from 1972 until 2004, when it was reclassified as a 'national university corporation' under the Japanese government's changes to the national university system.


Ryudai has developed its own traditions of contributing to and advancing the position of the local community, of conducting international exchange, and of broadening the knowledge base of the people of Okinawa through academic and educational activities. Since 1988, Ryudai and the University of Hawaii have had a "sister-university" relationship, and have opened up centers for Okinawan studies at both universities. In January 2013, the University of the Ryukyus began a research exchange program with South Korea's Mokpo National University.


  • Law and Letters
  • Education
  • Science
  • Medicine
  • Engineering
  • Agriculture
  • Graduate Schools

  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Education
  • Medicine
  • Health Sciences
  • Engineering and Science
  • Agriculture
  • Law school
  • Inter-Department Institutes for Education and Research

  • Center of Molecular Biosciences
  • Center for Cooperative Research
  • Instrumental Research Center
  • Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning
  • Computing and Networking Center
  • Facilities for Education and Research

  • Center for Educational Research and Development
  • The Institute for Animal Experiments
  • Manufacturing Laboratory
  • Subtropical Field Science Center
  • Educational and Clinical Center for Children with Disabilities
  • Research Laboratory Center
  • Joint-Use Inter-Department Institutes
  • Academic Museum(Fujukan)
  • Low Temperature Center
  • University Evaluation Center
  • Radioisotope Laboratory
  • University Education Center
  • Center for Asia-Pacific Island Studies
  • Language Center
  • Environmental Science Center
  • References

    University of the Ryukyus Wikipedia

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