Rahul Sharma (Editor)

University of Medicine 2, Yangon

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391 (2015-2016)

+95 1 969 9589

Ministry of Health

Aye Tun

Total enrollment
3,328 (2006)

15 July 1963

University of Medicine 2, Yangon

Motto in English
Service, Sympathy, Humanity

15 July 1963 (15 July 1963)

Yangon MMR013012, Myanmar (Burma)

ဥပဌာနံ အနုကမ္မာ ဒယာ; (Pali: upaṭhānaṃ, anukammā, dayā)

University of Medicine 1 - Yangon, University of Medicine, University of Pharmac, University of Medicine, University of Yangon

The University of Medicine 2, Yangon (Burmese: ဆေးတက္ကသိုလ်(၂) ရန်ကုန် [sʰé tɛʔkəθò n̥ɪʔ (jàɴɡòʊɴ)]; formerly, Institute of Medicine 2) is a university of medicine, located in North Okkalapa, Yangon, Myanmar. The university offers M.B.,B.S. degrees and graduate (diploma, master's and doctoral) degrees in medical science. The university is one of the most selective in the country, and accepts approximately 300 students annually based solely on their University Entrance Examination scores.


University of Medicine 2, Yangon is one of five medical schools in Burma recognized by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.


The university was opened initially in Mingaladon in the outskirts of Yangon as Medical College 2, as an affiliated college of Yangon University on 15 July 1963. The college became Institute of Medicine 2, an independent university per the University Act of 1964. The Institutes of Medicine were transferred to the Ministry of Health from the Ministry of Education on 1 October 1973 and were supervised by the Department of Medical Education. The Department of Medical Education is now designated as the Department of Medical Sciences as production of all categories of human resources for health come under its jurisdiction. The institute was moved to the present campus in North Okkalapa on 25 September 1996 and is now situated approximately 12 miles (19 km) from downtown Yangon.

In 1963, the 1000-bed Defence Services General Hospital was affiliated as the only teaching hospital of the Institute. Affiliated hospitals include North Okkalapa General Hospital (since 1970), Insein General Hospital (since 1973), Thingangyun Model Hospital (since 1996), South Okkalapa Maternal and Child Hospital (since 1998), Mawlamyaing General Hospital in Mon State and Pathein General Hospital in Ayeyarwady Division (since 1997), among others.

In 1997, Field Training Centre for Community Medicine was established in Hlegu Township, which is about 13 miles from the campus and one of the townships of the Yangon Division.

As for the graduate medical training, although only 50 students were accepted each year initially number of uptakes has been increased gradually over the subsequent years. Since the end of the year 2000, the University has been accepting around 500 uptakes every year.

Postgraduate studies for Master Degrees in Anatomy and Physiology started in 1973. Currently, the University has been conducting 6 Diploma courses, 19 Master degree courses, 26 Doctor of Medical Science courses for clinical disciplines and 8 Ph.D courses in Basic Medical Science.


Since 1963, UM-2 has been headed by an academic dean known as a rector. Past rectors include:


The University of Medicine 2, Yangon is one of the most selective schools in the nation as the medical schools continue to be the top choice amongst prospective college students in Myanmar. The school admits about 500 students per year based on their Basic Education High School (college entrance) exam scores and their regions.


The university is one of three civil universities and one medical academy in Myanmar that offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees.

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (M.B., B.S.)
  • Diploma in Medical Science (Dip.Med.Sc.)
  • Master of Medical Science (M.Med.Sc.)
  • Doctor of Medical Science (Dr.Med.Sc.)
  • Ph.D.
  • Academic Years

    Heads of Departments

    First M.B.,B.S

  • Myanmar - Daw Ohnmar Myaing
  • English - Daw Sarjit Kaur
  • Mathematics - Daw Aye Thandar Swe
  • Physics - Daw Khin Moet Moet Khaing
  • Chemistry - Daw Mi Mi Lay
  • Botany - Daw Tin Tin Oo
  • Zoology - Daw Yi Yi Khine
  • Second M.B.,B.S

  • Anatomy - Prof Nyo Nyo Myint
  • Physiology - Prof Mya Mya Thwin
  • Biochemistry - Prof May Pyone Kyaw

  • Third M.B.,B.S

  • General pathology - Prof Khin Thida Aung
  • Microbiology - Prof Win Win Maw
  • Pharmacology- Prof Nu Nu Aye
  • Students are also posted for 18 weeks each to the medical and surgical wards for clinical training.
  • Final Part I

  • Forensic Medicine - Prof Aung Soe
  • Preventive and Social Medicine - Prof Khay Mar Mya
  • Systemic Pathology and haematology - Prof Khin Thida Aung
  • Students attend lectures & clinics in Medicine, Surgery, Child health, Obstetrics & gynecology, and are posted to the various teaching hospitals, including Urban Health facilities as part of Preventive and Social Medicine teaching.
  • Final Part II

  • Child Health - Prof Khin Nyo Thein
  • Medicine - Prof Myo Lwin Nyein
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Prof Kyi Kyi Nyunt
  • Surgery - Prof Moe Moe Tin
  • Students study the allied specialties, namely, eye, ear, nose & throat diseases, urology, neurology, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, orthopaedics and traumatology, skin diseases, mental health and psychiatry,orthomaxillo-facial surgery, radiology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, anesthesiology, thoracic surgery, and paediatric surgery.
  • A summative examination is held at the end of the Final M.B.,B.S.Part II course. Problem Based Learning (PBL), Community Based Learning (CBL) and Behavioural Science will be incorporated, as relevant, in the M.B.,B.S. course.
  • House surgeon training

  • All students, after successful completion of Final Part II examination, are continued to train hands-on for period of one year as house surgeons in the recognized Teaching Hospitals in Yangon and / or the State and Division Hospitals.[5] Training Periods are as following: -
  • Child Health 2 ½ months
  • Community Medicine 2 weeks
  • Medicine (including Psychiatry) 3 months
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology 3 months
  • Surgery(including Traumatology) 3 months
  • Only after completion of house-surgeonship M.B.,B.S. Degree is offered to the students. Before 1997, the degree was conferred upon completion of the second part of the final year.
  • Notable alumni

  • Cynthia Maung
  • Ni Ni Khin Zaw
  • Chit Thu Wai
  • References

    University of Medicine 2, Yangon Wikipedia

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