Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

United States Army Combined Arms Support Command

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Fort Lee

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2 October 1990 - present

Part of
Fort Lee, Virginia, United States

The U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), a major subordinate command of the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), is located at Fort Lee, Virginia. Underneath CASCOM Headquarters is the Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCoE).



CASCOM provides Training and Leader Development, and develops concepts, doctrine, organizations, lifelong learning, and materiel solutions, to provide Sustainment in support of a campaign quality Army with joint and expeditionary capabilities.

CASCOM is responsible for training more than 180,000 students annually through 541 courses taught by the Ordnance, Quartermaster and Transportation schools, Soldier Support Institute and Army Logistics University.

The establishment of the Sustainment Center of Excellence under CASCOM does not eliminate the duties and responsibilities of CASCOM Headquarters. CASCOM is a major subordinate element of the Training and Doctrine Command which trains and educates Soldiers and Civilians, develop and integrates capabilities, concepts and doctrine, and executes functional proponency to enable the Army’s Sustainment Warfighting Function.


The Combined Arms Support Command was established on 2 October 1990, when the U.S. Army Logistics Center (LOGC) at Fort Lee, Virginia merged with the U.S. Army Soldier Support Center at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. From 1973 to 1990 the U.S. Army Logistics Center was responsible for the development of logistics concepts and doctrine, the design of management systems, the control of management characteristics as they affected logistical support, the organization of logistics units, the career development of logistics personnel, and the conduct of logistics exercises and command post exercises.

On 10 October 1994, CASCOM was reorganized. The combat developments, doctrinal concepts, evaluation and standardization, and training developments functions at the Quartermaster, Ordnance and Transportation branch schools were centralized at CASCOM headquarters at Fort Lee, Virginia. The school brigades at these branch schools were now focused on branch-specific instruction.

In 2005, CASCOM underwent a realignment of the headquarters staff to meet new logistical requirements. Functions relating to training development came under the newly created Deputy Commander for Training. Materiel, force design and doctrine were consolidated under the Deputy Commander for Futures.

The 2005 Defense Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC) recommended the creation a Combat Service Support Center (consolidation of the Ordnance, Quartermaster, Transportation Centers and Schools) at Fort Lee. Under this BRAC the Transportation Center and School moves from Fort Eustis, Virginia, the Ordnance Center and School from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and the Missile and Munitions Center from Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.

As a result of this BRAC action CASCOM Headquarters has taken on the additional role for providing oversight for the "Sustainment Center of Excellence". Under BRAC a new headquarters building was constructed as well as major ongoing construction projects in support of bringing the Ordnance and Transportation Schools to Fort Lee. As part of the creation of the SCoE, the Army Logistics Management College (ALMC) has become the Army Logistics University (ALU) where professional development training takes place for logistics officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and civilians.

Subordinate commands

  • U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School
  • U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and School
  • U.S. Army Transportation Corps and School
  • U.S. Army Soldier Support Institute
  • United States Army Adjutant General School
  • United States Army Financial Management School
  • U.S. Army Recruiting and Retention School
  • U.S. Army Logistics University
  • Commanders

  • 1989–1992 Lieutenant General Leon E. Salomon
  • 1992–1994 Lieutenant General Samuel N. Wakefield
  • 1994–1996 Major General Thomas W. Robison
  • 1996–1997 Major General Robert K. Guest
  • 1997–1999 Major General Daniel G. Brown
  • 1999–2002 Lieutenant General Billy K. Solomon
  • 2002–2004 Major General Terry E. Juskowiak
  • 2004–2005 Major General Ann E. Dunwoody
  • 2005–2008 Major General Mitchell H. Stevenson
  • 2008–2010 Major General James E. Chambers
  • 2010 Brigadier General Jesse Cross
  • 2010–2012 Major General James L. Hodge
  • 2012-2014 Major General Larry D. Wyche
  • 2014 to 2015 Major General Stephen R. Lyons
  • 2015 to Present Major General Darrell K. Williams
  • Supporting sustainment units

    To provide a central location for Sustainment unit focused information on training, doctrine, lessons learned and force structure CASCOM has created the Sustainment Unit One Stop portal.


    Shoulder Sleeve Insignia. Description: On a white lozenge shape 2 14 inches (5.7 cm) wide and 3 inches (7.6 cm) high, edged with a 18 inch (0.32 cm) scarlet border, a quatrefoil of four blue discs each edged with a dark blue ring surmounted at center with one of the like, overall a four-pointed white star.

  • Symbolism: The five major elements of logistics (maintenance, supply, transportation, facilities and services) are represented by the discs. The four-pointed star alludes to the points of the compass, symbolizing global logistics application. Blue represents constancy and devotion; red stands for combat and courage. White stands for integrity and, with blue and red, represents the United States.
  • Background: The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 13 June 1991.
  • Distinctive Unit Insignia. Description: A gold color metal and enamel device 1 18 inches (2.9 cm) high overall, on a white disc bordered by a gold ring, a stylized blue five-pointed star overlaid at the tips by the gold ring between, at top, a gold corona of six rays, and below a red scroll inscribed "SUPPORT STARTS HERE" in gold letters.

  • Symbolism: The star represents new unit bringing together diverse elements, combining their functions and activities under one authority. It also represents the United States of America. The ring stands for unity and cooperation, the corona denotes achievement and future growth. Blue represents constancy and devotion; red stands for combat and courage. White stands for integrity and, with blue and red, represents the United States. Gold signifies excellence.
  • Background: The distinctive unit insignia was approved 15 March 1991.
  • Flag

    The flag for the Combined Arms Support Command and Fort Lee is National flag blue with yellow fringe. The shoulder sleeve insignia is centered on the flag (TIOH drawing 5-1-307).


    United States Army Combined Arms Support Command Wikipedia

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