Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Uí Néill

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5th century AD

Current head
by sept dynast

Parent house
Connachta (Dál Cuinn)

Niall Noígíallach

Kings of TaraHigh Kings of IrelandKings of MideKings of UisnechKings of AilechKings of TyroneKings of TyrconnellKings of Brega(Kings of Scotland)numerous peerages

The Uí Néill ( [iː ˈnʲeːl̪ʲ], descendants of Niall) are Irish and Scottish dynasties who claim descent from Niall Noigiallach (Niall of the Nine Hostages), a historical King of Tara who died about 405.



The founders of the Uí Néill branches are the alleged sons of Niall Noigiallach, seven in all:

The Northern Uí Néill branch:

  • Conall Gulban, ancestor of the Cenél Conaill dynasty.
  • Eógan, ancestor of the Cenél nEógain dynasty.
  • The Southern Uí Néill branch:

  • Éndae, ancestor of the Cenél nÉndai
  • Coirpre, ancestor of the Cenél Coirpri dynasty.
  • Lóegaire, ancestor of the Cenél Lóegaire dynasty.
  • Conall Cremthainne, ancestor of the Clann Cholmáin and Síl nÁedo Sláine.
  • Fiachu, ancestor of the Cenél Fiachach.
  • All these men were in their lifetime known as members of Connachta dynasty, or as "the sons of Niall." The term Uí Néill did not, by its very nature, come into use until the time of Niall's grandsons and great-grandsons.

    Dynasties descended from the Uí Néill, such as the Cenél Conaill and Cenél nEógain, held power in Ulster until their defeat in the Nine Years War in 1603. Many of the heads of the families left for Catholic Europe in 1607, an event known as the Flight of the Earls.

    Uí Néill family tree

    Bold indicates a supposed High King of Ireland.


    Uí Néill Wikipedia

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