Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Two Weeks with the Queen

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Original title
Two Weeks in London


Media type
Print (paperback)

Page count


Cover artist
Moira Millman

Publication date

Originally published

Two Weeks with the Queen t0gstaticcomimagesqtbnANd9GcQd3ymN3ncFgWYEcg

AustraliaEnglandUnited States

Colin Mudford, Aunty Iris, Luke Mudford, Mrs. Mudford, Griff Price, Mr. Mudford, Uncle Bob, Dr. Graham, Ted, Alistair

Young adult fiction, Drama

Morris Gleitzman books, Young adult fiction books

Two weeks with the queen trailer

Two Weeks with the Queen is a 1990 novel by Australian author Morris Gleitzman. It focuses on a boy named Colin Mudford, who is sent to live with relatives in England, while his brother is being treated for cancer.


Two weeks with the queen about the show

Plot summary

Colin Mudford, a twelve year old Australian, is sent to stay with his uncle and his aunt who live in London, while his brother is being treated for cancer. In England, Colin, along with his cousin Alistair, decides to meet the Queen by trying to break into Buckingham Palace, because he wants to ask her for good doctors. Both boys are caught by the City of London Police for attempting this, and taken home to their parents. He also tries to sneak into the best cancer hospital in London, and is again, kicked out.

Outside the hospital, he meets a Welshman named Ted, who claims that his friend is also suffering from cancer. Ted offers to introduce Colin to one of England's leading cancer experts. The expert contacts Luke's doctors in Sydney and confirms that the cancer which Luke has is terminal. He then slashes tyres on cars, which were Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar and Audi, to get revenge on the doctors. Colin storms back to his aunt's house distraught, on where Alistair gives Colin the idea that a possible cure may be found in South America.

Colin convinces Alistair to stow away with him on a cargo ship to South America the next day. However, when Colin admits that he slashed the tires of several doctors' cars and that Ted caught him, Alistair tells Colin that Ted could be blamed for this, so Colin delays their trip to South America, and visits Ted the next day.

Colin visits Ted at his home, and finds that he has been badly injured. Ted tells him that he was attacked by people in the street who disliked him, because he is homosexual. He then confesses to Colin that his friend who is dying of cancer is actually his lover, Griff, who is dying of AIDS. Ted is unable to walk, so Colin promises to visit Griff for him. Colin goes to the hospital and meets Griff, bringing him a letter from Ted as well as Griff's favourite food, tangerines. After enjoying a conversation with Colin, Griff requests that he come to visit him again.

After Griff is taken back to his ward by a nurse, Colin finds a spare wheelchair in the hospital which he takes back to Ted's house. Colin then takes Ted to the hospital to see Griff using the wheelchair and the couple thank Colin greatly for reuniting them. Several days later, after Ted has recovered, Colin goes to visit the couple in the hospital, but upon arrival, he learns that Griff has died.

When Colin arrives home, Aunt Iris tells Colin that she found out everything from Alistair. They are both punished by receiving only cold baked beans for dinner, and the house is fortified against any escape attempts. Colin abandons his plans for traveling to South America and decides to accept Luke's fate. He asks Aunt Iris to let him go back to his family, but she forbids it. She tells him any attempt to escape will not help either, because they will not allow him on the plane with his return ticket, unless he is seen off by an adult guardian.

The next morning, with much difficulty, Colin sneaks out of the house and meets Ted at the airport. Ted signs Colin's forms and they say their goodbyes and Ted leaves. Aunt Iris catches Colin trying to escape and conflict is created; Alistair has a rant, but Aunt Iris eventually sees reason and lets him go. They see him off, and Colin travels back to Sydney to see Luke. The story ends as Luke wakes up, happy to see Colin.


Colin Mudford: A 12-year-old Australian boy determined to convince a cancer expert to treat his younger brother.

Luke Mudford: The brother of Colin who is suffering from terminal cancer, he is in the whole story in Sydney, where he will be treated for the cancer and he is eight years old.

Alistair: Colin's shy English cousin. While Colin is in London, Alistair becomes involved with Colin's ambitious schemes to find a cure for Luke's cancer.

Aunty Iris: Colin's aunt and Alistair's overbearing mother. She is friendly towards Colin, but is frightened that he is so open about Luke's cancer.

The Queen: Elizabeth II is least bothered about Colin's destiny, and doesn't respond to any of Colin's letters and requests, but requests her liaison officer to write a letter to him near the end of the book.

Uncle Bob: Uncle Bob is Colin's grumpy uncle. He has very strong thoughts about the British Royal Family, as well as the City of London. He often joins in with his wife in telling their son, Alistair, what to do.

Ted Caldicot: A homosexual, who is Welsh, and listens to Colin's thoughts about Luke as he has a similar issue.

Griff Price: Ted's partner who has AIDS and cancer, which occurred because of the AIDS, his favourite food is tangerines.


Two Weeks with the Queen was published during a time of change in Australia, particularly economic and political change. When Treasurer Paul Keating announced the recession on 29 November – the economic struggles of average families are described in the early chapters of the book, such as when Colin's parents cannot afford to buy him a Christmas gift that he wants, and instead give him something that he needs – sensible school shoes, which go unappreciated.

AIDS was a growing concern in Australia. Two Weeks with the Queen was published three years after the prominent "Grim Reaper" public service announcements. Although the novel presents a homosexual man with a partner dying of the disease, it humanises Ted and presents his plight as very real, significant, and similar to Colin's struggle with his brother's illness.

In July 1989, the first hospital for AIDS sufferers was opened by Princess Diana – her hands on approach contrasting vastly with the absence in the text of the Queen.


There are several themes explored throughout the story. Central to the plot is the importance of hope, determination, and steadfastness during periods of great adversity. In the book, Colin is absolutely determined to help his brother by finding a cure for his cancer, despite being on nearly the opposite side of the world without any realistic means of helping at all. Acceptance of the inevitable and the value of spending time with loved ones are also prominent themes as Colin views the relationship between Ted and the dying Griff, realizing that Luke, too, is fated to die and therefore the right choice is to accept fate and cherish Luke's remaining time.

Colin's determination to save his brother leads to some humorous incidents, as he attempts to invade Buckingham Palace, and seeks out a well known doctor at the "Best Cancer Hospital". Meanwhile, Colin's relationship with a young man dealing with his lover's AIDS exemplifies the book's earnest honesty, while also introducing some humorous moments.

More seriously, Gleitzman depicts the denial and anger that accompany grief, portraying Colin's egocentricity, spunk, and pain compassionately and without condescension. Neatly tied together by the incidents involving the Queen, this mixture of genuine emotion and humor makes for an engaging story that is said to have broad appeal.

Adaptation for theatre

In April 1992, the book was adapted for the stage by Mary Morris, and premièred at the Sydney Festival in the same year. Directed by Wayne Harrison, it received praise from its first performances, and has since been shown throughout the world, including England, Canada, Japan, the United States, Cuba, and Portugal.


Two Weeks with the Queen won the Family Award in 1990.

Todd Morning, reviewing the book for School Library Journal, describes Colin as "incredibly feisty and brave", and criticises the book's "breakneck" pace, stating that this made it difficult to get to know Colin. Reviewers for the School Library Journal described Gleitzman's pacing in the audiobook as "wonderful", showing Colin's growing maturity.

Stephens regards Two Weeks with the Queen as being unusual in contemporary Australian children's literature because Colin is presented as having agency – he is capable of making decisions and taking action to change the world around him – even though he does not do so in the way he first intended. Maya Sen, writing for The Canberra Times, praises Colin's determination and character development, and enjoyed the book's humour and direct treatment of its themes.

When the play was performed in the United Kingdom, according to Gleitzman, the Australian Republican themes of the play proved controversial.


Two Weeks with the Queen Wikipedia

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