Zhav Three (Editor)

Is rock climbing a sport or a hobby

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Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. It is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber’s strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. The goal is to reach the endpoint of a pre-defined route without falling. It can be a dangerous sport and knowledge of proper climbing techniques and usage of specialized climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes. Climbing really develops persn's skills at strategising under pressure. 

Rock climbing is a sport that can be confined to the 4 walls in an indoor gym, but it can also break down boundaries.

Rock climbing is clearly dangerous activities. Without safety measures, the possibility of a fall leading to serious injury or death is ever-present, it is important to understand how a climb occurs, and how a rope is used. One of the most popular rock climbing is indoor, making artificial wall. It's popularity is increasing enormously as a great way to socialise, get a good workout in for both the body and the mind and have a great time in the process. Indoor rock climbing uses virtually every major muscle group in the body. All the reaching, stretching, and climbing that’s involved with scaling an indoor climbing wall can dramatically improve overall flexibility and range of motion, which in turn helps gives body a lean, toned appearance. Also heart rate will be boosted from the start up to the top of the wall, this can help increase stamina, burn caloried and strengthen the heart and lungs.

This sport is one of the best total body workouts available. It’s a unique sport in that boys and girls are equally capable. An effective rock climber is one who understands that much of climbing is related to technique, balance and leg strength. Each climbing route is like a puzzle, which takes patience and planning, forcing the climber to make decisions as one gets to a spot and strategizes where to go from there. Beginners typically decide their route hold by hold, not looking ahead to see the larger picture in front of them. Soon one begins to visualize a route before grabbing the first hold. With practice, the climber is able to see the entire route in his mind, building his problem solving and planning abilities. Rock climbing can also be an excellent activity for children with physical or mental disabilities. For children that need to overcome gross and fine motor difficulties, what can be better than giving them the opportunity to be part of a 먹튀검증 team, build friendships and develop their leadership skills in a sport that everyone can do. Rock climbing is a therapy disguised as play.

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