Harman Patil (Editor)


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How to make macrame toran full video easy making

Toran (Hindi: तोरण)is the name in Hinduism (Sanskrit. torana, from tor, pass) of a sacred or honorific gateway in Buddhist architecture. Its typical form is a projecting cross-piece resting on two uprights or posts. It is made of wood or stone, and the cross-piece is generally of three bars placed one on the top of the other; both cross-piece and posts are usually sculptured.


The origin of torans can be traced to Puranas (Hindu mythological work). Torans or bandanwaars are used to decorate the main entrance of the home. The main idea behind decorating the homes is to please and attract the goddess of wealth Lakshmiji. So the decoration of the entrance of the place which is called dwaar is also important in this regard. The beautiful doorhangings that are also known as bandanwaars and torans have special significance as the decoration accessories. These torans are the first thing that welcomes your guests as they step at your place. These torans not only enhance the charm of the main entrance of your home but also give a friendly welcome. You can decorate your sweet homes forever with these stunning exclusive torans . A special vaastu toran, beautiful satin ribbon toran, a unique tissue toran, and sparkling crystal and beads toran, classic woollen toran, cotton toran, etc. are covered in this category.

Toran may also refer to a decorative door hanging in Hinduism, usually decorated with marigolds and mango leaves, or a string that is tied on the door with the flower on it as a part of traditional Hindu culture on the occasion of festivals and weddings. A toran may feature colours such as green, yellow and red. They can be made of fabrics or metals which are usually made to resemble mango leaves. They also have other decorative features depending on the region.

How to make macrame toran design 2 full tutorial easy making


Toran Wikipedia

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