Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Tongue of the Ocean

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Tongue of the Ocean Tongue of the Ocean mhherlongcom

The tongue of the ocean the bahamas

The Tongue of the Ocean (TOTO) is the name of a deep oceanic trench in the Bahamas separating the islands of Andros and New Providence.


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Tongue of the Ocean Tongue of the Ocean

The TOTO is a U-shaped, relatively flat-bottomed trench approximately 20 miles (32 km) wide by 150 miles (240 km) long. Its depth varies gradually from 3,600 feet (1,100 m) in the south to 6,600 feet (2,000 m) in the north.

Its only exposure to the open ocean is at the northern end. Except for the northern ocean opening, the TOTO is surrounded by numerous islands, reefs, and shoals which make a peripheral shelter isolating it from ocean disturbances, particularly high ambient noise.

Tongue of the Ocean Tongue of the Ocean Wikipedia

This channel and the Providence Channel are the two main branches of the Great Bahama Canyon, a submerged geological feature formed by erosion during periods of lower sea level. During their early history the Tongue of the Ocean and the Providence Channels were broad, relatively shallow basins flanked by growing carbonate banks. As the Blake-Bahama platform subsided, sedimentation kept pace with subsidence on the banks, but not in the basins.

Tongue of the Ocean Mercy Afloat Green Cay Tongue of the Ocean


Tongue of the Ocean Wikipedia

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