Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Tokugawa Ietsuna

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Preceded by
Tokugawa Tsunayoshi

Tokugawa Iemitsu

June 4, 1680, Edo Castle

Tokugawa Ietsuna

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Emperor Go-KomyoEmperor Go-SaiEmperor Reigen

Succeeded by
7 September 1641 (

Maeda Mitsutaka, Tomi-hime, Akiko-naishinno, Kametsuru-hime, Sukehito-shinno, Maeda Toshitsugu

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Tokugawa Ietsuna (徳川 家綱, September 7, 1641 – June 4, 1680) was the fourth shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty of Japan who was in office from 1651 to 1680. He is considered the eldest son of Tokugawa Iemitsu, which would make him the grandson of Tokugawa Hidetada and the great-grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


Tokugawa Ietsuna Tokugawa Ietsuna Japan Forum

Early Life (1641–1651)

Tokugawa Ietsuna was born in 1641, allegedly the eldest son of Tokugawa Iemitsu with his concubine, Oraku no Kata later Houjuin (after Oraku gave birth to Ietsuna, she became a monk in Kan'ei-ji Temple). Later Ietsuna was raised with his sister, Chiyohime (born by Ofuri) by Iemitsu's concubine, Oman no kata (Later Eikoin) and Iemitsu's Wife, Takatsukasa Takako later Honriin. After Eikoin died, Senhime (also called Tenjuin) raised him with Honriin. At that time his father was shogun in his own right, and had enacted several anti-Christian measures after the bloody Shimabara Rebellion of 1637. Though the suppression of this rebellion quelled all serious threats to Tokugawa rule, it was nonetheless an unsure era. Ietsuna was a frail child, and this carried over into his adult years. Nothing else is known of his youth. His childhood name was Takechiyo (竹千代).


  • Father: Tokugawa Iemitsu
  • Mother: Hōjuin (1621–1653)
  • Adopted Mother: Eiko'in (1624-1711)
  • Wife: Asa no Miya Akiko (1640-1676) later Koge'in
  • Concubines:
  • Oyo no Kata (d. 1657)
  • Ofuri no Kata (1649–1667)
  • Oshima no Kata (d. 1660)
  • Mitsuru no Kata (1660–1690) later Enmyoin
  • Onatsu no Kata (d.1680) later Honjuin
  • Okiku no Kata
  • Ofuji no Kata later Jokkoin
  • Okoto no Kata later Zumnyoin
  • Oran no Kata
  • Omino no Kata (d.1679)
  • Osumi no Kata
  • Yoshino no Kata
  • Children:
  • Takechiyo (died in womb in 1667) by Ofuri
  • son died in womb in 1680 by Yoshino
  • Naohime (died in womb in 1660) by Oshima
  • adopted daughter: Naohime, daughter of Tokugawa Mitsutomo
  • Shogunal Regency (1651–1663)

    Tokugawa Iemitsu died in early 1651, at the age of forty seven. After his death, the Tokugawa dynasty was at major risk. Ietsuna, the heir, was only ten years old. Nonetheless, despite his age, Minamoto no Ietsuna became shogun in Kei'an 4 (1651). Until he came of age, five regents were to rule in his place; but Shogun Ietsuna nevertheless assumed a role as formal head of the bakufu bureaucracy.

    In this period, regents exercised power in the shogun's name. These were Sakai Tadakatsu, Sakai Tadakiyo, Inaba Masanori, Matsudaira Nobutsuna (a distant member of the Tokugawa), and one other. In addition to this regency, Iemitsu handpicked his half-brother, Hoshina Masayuki.

    The first thing that Shogun Ietsuna and the regency had to address was the rōnin (masterless samurai). During the reign of Shogun Iemitsu, two samurai, Yui Shōsetsu and Marubashi Chūya, had been planning an uprising in which the city of Edo would be burned to the ground and, amidst the confusion, Edo Castle would be raided and the shogun, other members of the Tokugawa and high officials would be executed. Similar occurrences would happen in Kyoto and Osaka. Shosetsu was himself of humble birth and he saw Toyotomi Hideyoshi as his idol.

    Nonetheless, the plan was discovered after the death of Iemitsu, and Ietsuna's regents were brutal in suppressing the rebellion, which came to be known as the Keian Uprising or the "Tosa Conspiracy". Chuya was brutally executed along with his family and Shosetsu's family. Shosetsu choose to commit seppuku rather than being captured.

    In 1652, about 800 ronin led a small disturbance on Sado Island, and this was also brutally suppressed. But for the most part, the remainder of Ietsuna's rule was not disturbed anymore by the ronin as the government became more civilian oriented.

    In Meireki 3 (1657), on the 18th–19th days of the 1st month, when Ietsuna was almost 20 years old, a great fire broke out in Edo and burned the city to the ground. Ietsuna's concubine Oyo burned to death in the fire. It took two years to rebuild the city and bakufu officials supervised the rebuilding of the city. In 1659, Ietsuna presided over the opening ceremonies. on 11st month he married Asa no Miya Akiko. daughter of Fushimi no Miya Sadakiyo. It says his relationship quiet good with Asa no Miya. though they didn't have child, they adopted Chiyohime, daughter of Tokugawa Mitsutomo.

    Bakufu Power Struggle (1663–1671)

    In 1663, the regency for Shogun Ietsuna ended, but the regents still held power for him, the first time that the power behind the bakufu was not a former shogun. Ietsuna's chief advisors were now Hoshina Masayuki, Ietsuna's uncle (whom he had deep regard for) Itakura Shigenori, Tsuchiya Kazunao, Kuze Hiroyuki, and Inaba Masanori. Even though Ietsuna was now ruling in his own right, these former regents now became his official advisors, and in some cases, acted for him. In some cases, however, Ietsuna acted upon his own accord, as when he came up with the idea of abolishing junshi, where a samurai follows his lord into death.

  • 1663 (Kanbun 3). The shogunate banned suicides due to fidelity (junshi).
  • 1669 (Kanbun 9). An Ainu Rebellion breaks out in Hokkaido
  • Another example of this is in 1671, when the Date family of Sendai was involved in a succession dispute. The bakufu intervened, and prevented another rendition of the Ōnin War. By 1671, however, many of the former regents were either dead or retired, and Ietsuna began to rule in his own right.

    Shogun (1671–1680)

    Following the succession dispute of the Date, very few disturbances occurred for the remainder of Ietsuna's reign, except some defiant daimyōs.

    In 1679, Shogun Ietsuna fell ill. His succession began to be discussed, in which Sakai Tadakiyo took an active role. He suggested that a son of Emperor Go-Sai become the next shogun, following the precedent of the later Kamakura shoguns, who in reality were members of the blood royal. Tadakiyo probably saw himself as becoming powerful like the Hōjō regents, and thus many members of the Tokugawa blood preferred Shogun Ietsuna's younger brother Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, also a son of Shogun Iemitsu, to become shogun.

  • June 4, 1680 (Enpō 8, 8th day of the 5th month): Shogun Ietsuna dies; and he is succeeded as shogun by Tsunayoshi.
  • Tadakiyo retired, embarrassed, and shortly after, Tokugawa Ietsuna died in 1680. His posthumous name was Genyū-in (厳有院) and buried in Kan'ei-ji . He was succeeded by his younger brother, Tsunayoshi.

    Though Ietsuna proved to be an able leader, affairs were largely controlled by the regents his father had appointed, even after Ietsuna was declared old enough to rule in his own right.

    Eras of Ietsuna's bakufu

    The years in which Ietsuna was shogun are more specifically identified by more than one era name or nengō.

  • Keian (1648–1652)
  • Jōō (1652–1655)
  • Meireki (1655–1658)
  • Manji (1658–1661)
  • Kanbun (1661–1673)
  • Enpō (1673–1681)
  • References

    Tokugawa Ietsuna Wikipedia

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