Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Toggenburg goat

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Conservation status
no concern


Scientific name
Capra aegagrus hircus

Country of origin



Toggenburg goat httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Other names
ToggenburgerToggenburger ZiegeChèvre du ToggenbourgCapra del Toggenburgo

Schweizerischer Ziegenzuchtverband

Saanen goat, Anglo‑Nubian goat, Alpine goat, American Lamancha goat, Oberhasli goat

20 beautiful goat breeds girgentana valais saanen pygmy feral cashmere toggenburg goats

The Toggenburg or Toggenburger is a Swiss breed of dairy goat. Its name derives from that of the Toggenburg region of the Canton of St. Gallen, where it is thought to have originated. It is among the most productive breeds of dairy goat.


Breeding toggenburg goats


Toggenburg goat Toggenburg Goat Breed Spotlight Countryside Network

In 2006, in Switzerland where the breed was officially recognized in 1892, there were 850 goats in the Toggenburg and the Werdenberg region of 3000 in Switzerland, which is down from 20,000 in the 1950s. The club St. Gallen Goat Breeders Association, that was founded in 1901, registers the breed. The Verein Ziegenfreunde was formed to protect the breed and unite breed owners.

Toggenburg goat British Toggenburg British Goat Society

The Toggenburg breed underwent a development program when introduced to Britain; the resulting British Toggenburgs are heavier and have improved milk quality. By the middle of 2002, 4146 Toggenburgs had been registered with the New Zealand Dairy Goat Breeders Association,


Toggenburg goat Breeds of Livestock Toggenburg Goats Breeds of Livestock

The Toggenburg is of medium size. Coat colour ranges from light brown to mouse grey, with white Swiss markings to the face, lower legs and tail area. Tassels may be present; billies and nannies may be horned or hornless. The facial profile may be concave or straight, but not convex.


Toggenburg goat Toggenburg Goat Breed Spotlight Countryside Network

The Toggenburg is a highly productive dairy breed. The breed standard calls for minimum milk yield of 740 kg per lactation, with a minimum fat content of 3.56% and minimum protein content of 2.90%.


Toggenburg goat Wikipedia

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