Citation(s) [1673] EWHC (KB) J85, (1673) Vaugh 330 Similar Verrall v Great Yarmouth BC, Whittington v Seale Hayne, Dillwyn v Llewelyn |
[Case Law Land] ['the nature of a licence'] Thomas v Sorrell (1673) Vaughan 330 CA
Thomas v Sorrell [1673] EWHC (KB) J85 is an English land law case, concerning licenses in land.
Mr Thomas, on the Crown’s behalf, demanded Mr Sorrell pay for selling wine in the parish of Stepney without a licence. Mr Sorrell claimed he had a licence in his capacity as a member of the ‘Master, Warden, Freemen, and Commonality of the Mystery of Vintners of the City of London.’
Vaughan CJ said ‘A dispensation or licence properly passeth no interest, nor alters or transfers property in any thing, but only makes an action lawful which, without it, had been unlawful.’
Thomas v Sorrell Wikipedia(Text) CC BY-SA