Puneet Varma (Editor)

The Price of Peace

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Directed by
Loo Yin Kam

Original language(s)
MandarinEnglish (dub)

Final episode date
19 August 1997

Historical period drama

Country of origin

First episode date
30 June 1997

Number of episodes

The Price of Peace httpswww4mediacorpsgcontentdistributionprog

Written by
Ang Eng TeeChong Liang SinGuo Yude

Rayson TanXiang YunChen ShuchengJacintha AbisheganadenJames LyeLina NgChristopher LeeIvy LeeCarole LinRyan Choo

Opening theme
The Price of Peace (和平的代价) performed by Sebastian Tan

Mediacorp Channel 5, MediaCorp TV

Stepping Out, Wok of Life, A Child's Hope, Metamorphosis, Timeless Gift

the price of peace tribute to the troops family music video

The Price of Peace is a Singaporean television drama set in Japanese-occupied Singapore during World War II. It was first aired on TCS Eighth Frequency (now MediaCorp Channel 8) on 30 June 1997. Although the drama was originally in Mandarin, an English-dubbed version was also broadcast on TCS Fifth Frequency (now MediaCorp Channel 5) in 1999. The drama has been rerun on MediaCorp Channel 8 several times since its premiere and its latest airing was in August 2013. The series is based on a 1995 book of the same title (published by Asiapac Books), which contains numerous first-hand accounts of war veterans and eyewitnesses.



The plot is divided into seven parts, each focusing on distinct themes and events.


On 7 July 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident sparks off the Second Sino-Japanese War as the Empire of Japan launches a full invasion on the Republic of China. Dida Cheng, a deserter from the Chinese National Revolutionary Army, flees to Malaya, where he meets Cuicui, a Chinese opera actress, and Hideko, a Japanese woman. The three of them are drawn into a complex love triangle. Xie Guomin, an anti-Japanese activist, and Zhou Wenlong, the asthmatic son of a tailor shop owner, both fall in love with the porridge vendor Wang Qiumei. After Wang is publicly humiliated by an evil businessman, she is saved by Zhou and decides to marry him. However, she is already secretly pregnant with Xie's child. Their relationships become very strained.

After the Japanese occupied Singapore in 1942, they initiate the Sook Ching Massacre in which thousands of Chinese deemed to be anti-Japanese activists are rounded up, persecuted and executed. The main character is arrested by the Kempeitai and he becomes a hanjian and informer after succumbing to the enemy under torture. On the other hand, Dida Cheng becomes a resistance fighter and an ally of Force 136, and he continues to fight the Japanese invaders to liberate Singapore.

Historical figures such as the war heroes Lim Bo Seng, Elizabeth Choy and Sybil Kathigasu, the philanthropist Tan Kah Kee, as well as notorious Japanese military figures such as Ishibe Toshiro and Yoshimura Ekio, are also featured as semi-fictional characters in the drama.


The opening theme song, which shares the same title as the series, was sung in Mandarin by Sebastian Tan (Chen Ruibiao). The main theme of the 1997 Hong Kong film The Soong Sisters is also extensively used in the series.

Filming locations

The series was shot on location in Singapore at the now-defunct TV World in Tuas, Tan Teck Guan Building, Danish Seamen's Church, St. Andrew's School, Chung Cheng High School (Main), The Chinese High School, and HQ Tanglin Barracks (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building), among others. Extensive filming was also done in Ipoh, Malaysia.

1997 Accolades

The Price of Peace received the following awards and nominations at the Star Awards in 1997.


The Price of Peace Wikipedia

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