Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Tarkan Maner

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Tarkan Maner

Tarkan Maner httpspbstwimgcomprofileimages3217864414e6

Tarkan maner ceo nexenta

Tarkan Maner was the president and chief executive officer of Wyse Technology Inc. from 2005, until the acquisition to Dell Inc. in June 2012.


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Wyse had more than 500 employees at the time.

Tarkan Maner Oh a Wyse guy eh Why I oughta make you Nexentas new CEO The

Maner then became the chief executive Ooficer for Nexenta Systems.

Tarkan Maner Tarkan Maner on The Balancing Act YouTube

Maner is a frequent speaker in the IT industry and has held several keynotes at the World Economic Forum, VMworld, Citrix Synergy and many other top technology events.

Tarkan Maner Tarkan Maner CEO Nexenta YouTube

Maner sits on the boards of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Bay Area Council, Silicon Valley Education Foundation, TechAmerica.

Tarkan maner vmworld 2012 thecube


Tarkan Maner Wikipedia

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