Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

TWA Flight 843

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30 July 1992

Injuries (nonfatal)


292 (all)

Number of deaths

TWA Flight 843 843

Aborted takeoff, pilot error, engine fire, maintenance error, instrument malfunction

TWA Flight 513, 1965 Carmel mid‑air co, TWA Flight 159, TWA Flight 599, TWA Flight 903

Twa flight 843 part 1

TWA Flight 843 (TW843, TWA843) was a Trans World Airlines passenger flight that crashed after an aborted takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York) to San Francisco International Airport (California) in July 1992. Despite an intense fire after the crash, the crew was able to evacuate all 280 passengers from the aircraft. There was no loss of life, though the aircraft was destroyed by the fire.


TWA Flight 843 master template

The NTSB attributed the crash to pilot error and TWA training and maintenance issues. According to the report, the take-off was improperly aborted by the captain shortly after liftoff, due to the erroneous activation of the stick-shaker stall warning device, when in fact the aircraft was performing normally and could have taken off safely. The extremely hard landing, after the plane gained only 60 feet (18 m) in altitude, caused damage to the right wing, spilling fuel which was then ingested into the engines and started the fire.

TWA Flight 843 TWA Flight 843 Crash at JFK TWA Flight 843 passenger fligh Flickr

In addition to the nine flight attendants on board, there were five additional off-duty flight attendants who assisted in the evacuation. Although only three of eight exit doors were available for use, the evacuation was completed within two minutes.

TWA Flight 843 httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Oakland rapper Saafir was a passenger on the plane and injured his back while jumping to the ground, which eventually made him a wheelchair user.

TWA Flight 843 TWA Flight 843

Comedian and actor Anthony Steven Kalloniatis was working as a flight attendant on board at the time and has referenced this crash in his stand up.

TWA Flight 843 TWA Flight 843

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TWA Flight 843 TWA Flight 843 part 1 YouTube

TWA Flight 843 TWA 843 YouTube


TWA Flight 843 Wikipedia

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