Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Săvârșin Castle

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Town or city
Săvârșin, Arad County

Architectural style
Neoclassical architecture



Michael I of Romania

27 October 2015

Săvârșin Castle

Current tenants
Official Romanian Countryside Residence of the Romanian Royal Family

Construction started
See list First Time: 1650 Renovation: 1840 Restoration: May 2007

See list First Time: 1680 Renovation: 1878 Restoration: October 2015

See list 1st Time: Count Forray András 2nd Time: United Principalities 3rd Time: King Michael I of Romania

DC74, Săvârșin 317270, Romania

Șerban Sturdza, Augustin Ioan

Elisabeta Palace, Macea Castle, Purgly‑kastély, Pelișor, Huniade Castle

Castelul pelisor castle interior

Săvârșin Castle (Romanian: Castelul Săvârșin) is a large Country house situated in Săvârșin Park, a 6.5 hectare private land owned by former King Michael I of Romania in Săvârșin, Arad County, Transylvania, Romania.

It is King Michael's official country residence in Romania where the statutes defining the role and powers of the Royal Family are signed.

Săvârșin formerly known as Forray Castle was owned by various Hungarian magyar noble families for three centuries during the territory owned by the Kingdom of Hungary until the size of the Romanian United Principalities had expanded. In mid-18th century, at the center of the estate on which the current Royal Castle lies, there was a building raised in western baroque style (dating from 1680), that belonged to the Edelspacher de Gyorok noble family. After having been set on fire in November 1784 by the peasants in the uprise led by Horia, Closca and Crisan, and needed being restored from the foundations, the castle had various owners, till 1858 when it became the possession of Leopold Nadasdy, the one who re-built it in its present form in 1860.

In 1941, following an exchange of properties, the Castle becomes the property of Mocioni-Starcea family, who prepared the Castle for "Crown weekends"; in 1943, the Castle became the property of King Michael I, who was the king of Romania at that time and bought the Castle from the Crown property as a gift for his mother Queen Helen.

Nationalization and later usage

The Castle was confiscated by the communist authorities during the exile of the Romanian Royal Family, due to the forced abdication of King Michael in 1947. After the communist-era nationalization, Savârșin Castle became a hospital for internal diseases, a tuberculosis sanatorium and nervous disorders sanatorium and in 1967 communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu decided to turn it into a Guest House - a residence for heads of state.

Return to ownership

In 2000 the High Court of Cassation and Justice declared that the entire property and land was to be restored to King Michael I. On certain occasions, the Royal Estate is open to the public and the building can be seen from a closer distance. Traditionally, the Royal Family spends the Winter Holidays at Savârșin, on which occasion many groups come to carol the former sovereign and the royal family. The carol singers come from the nearby villages, but also from other communities in Arad county as well as from the neighbouring counties of Alba, Hunedoara and Timiș. On Christmas Day, the family members used to take part in the religious service at the Orthodox church in the village.


Săvârșin Castle Wikipedia

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