Harman Patil (Editor)


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Synnema Braunomyces dictyosporus HAL 2606 A Synnema B Conidiogenous

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A synnema (plural synnemata, also coremia; derivation: "Threads together") is a large, erect reproductive structure borne by some fungi, bearing compact conidiophores, which fuse together to form a strand resembling a stalk of wheat, with conidia at the end or on the edges.


Synnema Gangliostilbe indica A Synnema B Conidiophores with Figure

Fungal genera which bear synnemata include Doratomyces.

Synnema how to pronounce it

Synnema Penidiella cubensis type material A Swollen stromat Openi

Synnema FIG 6 Graphium euwallaceae a Synnema b Thin and round conidia

Synnema Scedosporium apiospermum microscopysynnema

Synnema 37 Lauriomyces synnematicus holotype a A synnema with Figure

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Synnema Characteristics

Synnema Synnema


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