Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Syagrus romanzoffiana

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Higher classification




Scientific name
Syagrus romanzoffiana


Syagrus romanzoffiana httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommons22

Palm trees, Syagrus, Butia, Washingtonia, Butia capitata

Queen palm guide syagrus romanzoffiana

Syagrus romanzoffiana, the queen palm or cocos palm, is a palm native to South America, from Paraguay and northern Argentina north to eastern Brazil and west to eastern Bolivia. It had been classified within the Cocos genus as Cocos plumosa, was assigned to Arecastrum, then moved to Syagrus. As a result of the nomenclature confusion, they often retain a previous name in popular usage. It is a medium-sized palm, quickly reaching maturity at a height of up to 15 m (49 ft) tall, with pinnate leaves.


Syagrus romanzoffiana Syagrus romanzoffiana Wikipedia

The palm has a wide introduced range due to its popularity as an ornamental garden tree.

Named after Nikolay Rumyantsev (1754–1826), who was Russia's Foreign Minister and Imperial Chancellor and notable patron of the Russian voyages of exploration. He sponsored the first Russian circumnavigation of the globe.

Syagrus romanzoffiana UFEI SelecTree A Tree Selection Guide

Cultivation and uses

Syagrus romanzoffiana Syagrus romanzoffiana West Coast Trees

The queen palm is found in most tropical and subtropical areas. It is very popular as an ornamental tree and much used in urban landscaping. However, the fronds die early and must be pruned to keep the tree visually pleasing. Its leaves and inflorescences are used as cattle fodder, especially for milking cows. Its fruits are edible, being sought by birds, as well as by mammals, including some wild canids, such as the pampas fox and the crab-eating fox. The fruits consist of a hard nut surrounded with a thin layer of fibrous flesh that is orange and sticky when ripe. The flavor is sweet and could be described as a mixture of plum and banana.

As an invasive species

Syagrus romanzoffiana Syagrus romanzoffiana

The queen palm is reportedly naturalized in Florida, Australia (Queensland and New South Wales), Honduras, and the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. In some areas is known for attracting pests and in some regions places it has been classified as a noxious weed.

Syagrus romanzoffiana queen palm 45054 English common name Syagrus romanzoffiana

In the Australian state of Queensland it has become invasive to the point that it is now restricted by the Department of Primary Industries and most local councils.

Syagrus romanzoffiana Syagrus romanzoffiana Palmpedia Palm Grower39s Guide

In the United States state of Florida the palm has spread to an extent that it is classified as a category II invasive species.

Syagrus romanzoffiana Syagrus romanzoffiana description

The bases of the pruned fronds remain on the tree for several months and are an ideal breeding place for snails and caterpillars.


Syagrus romanzoffiana Wikipedia

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